ZikangZhou / QCNet

[CVPR 2023] Query-Centric Trajectory Prediction
Apache License 2.0
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test error #4

Open bixiang opened 1 year ago

bixiang commented 1 year ago

Hi, your work is great. I try to generate the prediction results on the test set by following your code:

python test.py --model QCNet --root /path/to/dataset_root/ --ckpt_path /path/to/your_checkpoint.ckpt

But there is some error like this:

Global seed set to 2023
  0%|          | 0/24984 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 40, in <module>
    test_dataset = {
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 150, in __init__
    super(ArgoverseV2Dataset, self).__init__(root=root, transform=transform, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None)
  File "/usr/local/envs/QCNet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/data/dataset.py", line 97, in __init__
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 534, in _process
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 190, in process
    map_data = read_json_file(map_path)
TypeError: object() takes no arguments

Wondering what's the reason and how to deal with it. Thank you very much.

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

It seems that you haven’t installed the av2 api. Could you confirm whether the av2 package has been installed in your current environment?

bixiang commented 1 year ago

Yes, I have installed the av2 api and there is still this error message. image

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

Could you "import av2" successfully?

shahaamirbader commented 1 year ago

I was facing the same issue. This got resolved using "pip install av2".

bixiang commented 1 year ago

@ZikangZhou Thank you. I have solved the error I mentioned and run test on a 24GB card, but there is a new error: image @shahaamirbader Did you have the same problem?

shahaamirbader commented 1 year ago

Hi I haven't yet faced this error since presently I am training this model. I may face this issue during test as you are facing. By the way how long did it take for you to train the network? I have 2 GPUs , 32 GB and it's been two days and only 7 epochs. Do you know if the author has shared the checkpoints of the retrained models?

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

@ZikangZhou Thank you. I have solved the error I mentioned and run test on a 24GB card, but there is a new error: image @shahaamirbader Did you have the same problem?

This is because you're using an old version of av2-api. To avoid re-installing av2, you can try to replace the content in lib/python3.8/site-packages/av2/datasets/motion_forecasting/eval/submission.py with the latest code in https://github.com/argoverse/av2-api/blob/main/src/av2/datasets/motion_forecasting/eval/submission.py. Sorry for the inconvenience in installation.

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

Hi I haven't yet faced this error since presently I am training this model. I may face this issue during test as you are facing. By the way how long did it take for you to train the network? I have 2 GPUs , 32 GB and it's been two days and only 7 epochs. Do you know if the author has shared the checkpoints of the retrained models?

The checkpoint can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OKBytt6N6BdRa9FWmS7F1-YvF0YectBv/view?usp=drive_link

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

@bixiang BTW, can you tell me the test set performance of the checkpoint if you can submit it to the leaderboard?

bixiang commented 1 year ago

@ZikangZhou Thank you very much. I have run successfully and the result on the leaderboard is: image A little bit worse than your submission.

ZikangZhou commented 1 year ago

@ZikangZhou Thank you very much. I have run successfully and the result on the leaderboard is: image A little bit worse than your submission.

Thx! Actually this performance is better,because my previous submission has used ensembling (combination of 5 single models).

USCT-YQJ commented 1 year ago

@ZikangZhou Thank you very much. I have run successfully and the result on the leaderboard is: image A little bit worse than your submission.

I submit the "submission.parquet" file into the argoverse2 eval website, but it takes a long time to get the eval result, and i haven't get the eval result until now, so what's wrong with me?

zaplm commented 11 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hi, Zhou! What do you mean about ensembling (combination of 5 single models)? Are those models all QCNet, or are QCNet and other models?

ZikangZhou commented 11 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hi, Zhou! What do you mean about ensembling (combination of 5 single models)? Are those models all QCNet, or are QCNet and other models?

All are QCNet.

SupOne11 commented 11 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hello, Zhou. How can the 30 trajectories generated by the 5 models be integrated into trajectories for the 6 modes?

rongxiaoqu commented 10 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hello, Zhou. How can the 30 trajectories generated by the 5 models be integrated into trajectories for the 6 modes?

@ZikangZhou I am also confused how the 5 models are integrated.

aroundabout commented 9 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hello, Zhou. How can the 30 trajectories generated by the 5 models be integrated into trajectories for the 6 modes?

@ZikangZhou I am also confused how the 5 models are integrated.

@rongxiaoqu do you have any idea about integrating 5 models now?

zhangyong511 commented 6 months ago

@ZikangZhou Hi, Zhou! What do you mean about ensembling (combination of 5 single models)? Are those models all QCNet, or are QCNet and other models?

All are QCNet.

Hello, may I ask how much K you selected when using K-MEANS?

dcspsy commented 6 months ago

Hi, your work is great. I try to generate the prediction results on the test set by following your code:

python test.py --model QCNet --root /path/to/dataset_root/ --ckpt_path /path/to/your_checkpoint.ckpt

But there is some error like this:

Global seed set to 2023
  0%|          | 0/24984 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 40, in <module>
    test_dataset = {
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 150, in __init__
    super(ArgoverseV2Dataset, self).__init__(root=root, transform=transform, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None)
  File "/usr/local/envs/QCNet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/data/dataset.py", line 97, in __init__
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 534, in _process
  File "/content/QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py", line 190, in process
    map_data = read_json_file(map_path)
TypeError: object() takes no arguments

Wondering what's the reason and how to deal with it. Thank you very much.

在我的例子里,当我注释掉QCNet/datasets/argoverse_v2_dataset.py 34~43行的try...except,发现环境中opencv 的依赖库(libgthread-2.0.so.0,libGL.so.0)没有正确安装。安装后问题解决。