Ziktofel / Archipelago

Archipelago Multi-Game Randomizer and Server
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Bug: Reaper jump jet landing sound is way too loud #122

Open MatthewMarinets opened 8 months ago

MatthewMarinets commented 8 months ago

What happened?

Reapers landing after a jump has a very loud crunching or landing on stacked cardboard kind of sound that overpowers the rest of the jump-jet sound. Noticed on Devil's Playground over several playthroughs, last 2023-12-26. This is new behaviour with the combined campaign.

What were the expected results?

To have the old reaper jump jet landing sound, or at least to have the sound be balanced to not overpower other sounds.


While playing

MatthewMarinets commented 7 months ago

Update: The same incredible loud crunching sound also plays when reapers unload from bunkers. I think there's an extra ActorSound being created on the Reaper's actor being created or spawned in.

MatthewMarinets commented 5 months ago

The new sound is present in vanilla NCO (it's not in vanilla WoL), but on checking the files I've still noticed a couple of differences. The AP sound is based on the HH_Reaper_Land sound, while the vanilla reaper uses the Reaper_Land sound. Their SoundData entries are subtly different:

    <!-- From starcoop.sc2mod -->
    <CSound id="HH_Reaper_Land" parent="Movement">
        <EditorCategories value="Race:Terran"/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land00.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land01.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land02.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <Category value="User27"/>
        <DupeMaximumMethod value="Replace"/>
        <DupeMuteCount value="3"/>
        <DupePrioritization value="Oldest"/>
        <Pitch value="-2.000000,1.000000"/>
        <PlayDelay value="0,100"/>
        <Volume value="-11.000000,-9.000000"/>

    <!-- From liberty.sc2mod -->
    <CSound id="Reaper_Land" parent="Spell">
        <EditorCategories value="Race:Terran"/>
        <Category value="Combat"/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land00.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land01.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <AssetArray File="Assets\Sounds\Marine_Land02.wav" FacialGroup=""/>
        <Pitch value="-3.000000,1.000000"/>
        <Volume value="-11.000000,-9.000000"/>
        <DupeMaximumMethod value="Replace"/>
        <DupeMuteCount value="3"/>
        <DupePrioritization value="Oldest"/>

Volumes are the same, but note the different parents, categories, play delays, and pitch values,