Zingabopp / BeatSaberModdingTools.Tasks

MSBuild tasks for Beat Saber mods.
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GetManifestInfo build step can't extract semver version with suffix #4

Closed ErisApps closed 3 years ago

ErisApps commented 3 years ago

If a mod has a semver version that's suffixed in it's manifest (eg: 1.2.3-rc4), then the GetManifestInfo step will fail due to not being able to parse the patch version number (3-rc4). I think it's safe to just omit the "-rc4" part in this case, but I'll leave the actual solution up to you. Didn't see that it already had BasePluginVersion. That being said, it still crashes on parsing the version number with the message in the screenshot below. afbeelding

Hereby also the semver specs for future reference as there are also other cases that could possibly crash that specific step: https://semver.org/

Forgot to mention that I'm currently using version 1.3.1 of BSMT.T