Zingabopp / BeatSync

Beat Saber plugin to automatically download beatmaps.
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beastsaber feeds are not working #57

Open YoukaiTheGit opened 4 months ago

YoukaiTheGit commented 4 months ago

In version 1. 0.1.0, none of the sync sources that use beastsaber (Bookmarks, Follows, or CuratorRecommended) are working, with their APIs returning 404 from bsaber.com. The current API's being queried and returning 404 are (e.g.):

https://bsaber.com/wp-json/bsaber-api/songs/?bookmarked_by=Youkai&page=1&count=50 https://bsaber.com/wp-json/bsaber-api/songs/?followed_by=Youkai&count=50&page=1 https://bsaber.com/wp-json/bsaber-api/songs/?bookmarked_by=curatorrecommended&page=1&count=50

Sample log attached


VidFerris commented 3 months ago

After looking into this, Beast Saber is phasing out its API, so only the Beat Saver API will be available going forward. An equivalent API endpoint to the old Curated one on Beast Saber is at is at https://api.beatsaver.com/maps/latest?sort=CURATED. Full Beat Saver API docs are at:


In case it helps you, the following python code is my hacked-together replacement for BeatSync which hits the appropriate Curated endpoint and does some basic checking to ensure it doesn't redownload maps with duplicated hashes. I only ever used the Curator feed so that's enough for my use case.
