Zingabopp / BeatSync

Beat Saber plugin to automatically download beatmaps.
247 stars 22 forks source link

Fatal Error in BeatSyncConsole: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') #9

Closed Bluscream closed 4 years ago

Bluscream commented 4 years ago
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]: Starting BeatSyncConsole v0.5.1.0
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]: Using BeatSync config 'configs\BeatSync.json'.
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]: Using the following targets:
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:   GameInstall: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]: Hashed 174 songs in G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_data\CustomLevels.
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:   Starting BeatSaverDownloads feed...
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:   Starting BeastSaberBookmarks feed...
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:       Job completed successfully: (217) Beat it - Michael Jackson by freeek
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:       Job completed successfully: (141) GANGNAM STYLE by greatyazer
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:       Job completed successfully: (32E) Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger by runrockgame
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:   Finished BeatSaverDownloads feed: (5/5, 1 skipped).
[BeatSyncConsole - Warn]:   No FavoriteMappers found, skipping...
[BeatSyncConsole - Info]:   Finished BeatSaver reading: (5/5, 1 skipped).
Press Enter to continue...
[BeatSyncConsole - Error]: Fatal Error in BeatSyncConsole: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Select[TSource,TResult](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 selector)
   at BeatSyncConsole.Program.GetBeastSaberAsync(BeatSyncConfig config, IJobBuilder jobBuilder, JobManager jobManager) in .\Program.cs:line 171
   at BeatSyncConsole.Program.Main(String[] args) in .\Program.cs:line 438
Zingabopp commented 4 years ago

Does this happen repeatedly, or was it a one-time thing? Nevermind, I think i see what's going wrong now. It's probably caused by not having a username set for BeastSaber while having Bookmarks and/or Follows enabled, but this'll be fixed to give a better error message in the next version

Bluscream commented 4 years ago

that's weird because i definitly have a username set

  "BeastSaber": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Username": "Bluscream",
Zingabopp commented 4 years ago

Give this build a try, should give some better information. There's definitely something going wrong with the BeastSaberReader, not sure what though.


Bluscream commented 4 years ago

that fixed it 👍