ZinggJM / ILI9486_SPI

ILI9486_SPI for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Mirrored text on tft display #4

Open midgeto opened 5 months ago

midgeto commented 5 months ago

Hello Jean,

I am using your library for 2.8 inch tft display and i have an issue with my text beacuse it keeps getting mirrored. I tried to change writeCommand and wrtieData functions but the problem is that these functions are private in your library and I can't use them in my arduino code. I am just asking you if there is an easy sollution to this, maybe you can make these functions public or something, but I am no expert in coding with C so I don't know what can be done. Thank you for any help in advance.

ZinggJM commented 5 months ago

Hello @midgeto ,

I can't currently provide support for this library, as I am too busy with other things. Your display may need different gate scan direction. You could look up this in the controller specs. The other option is to change the data entry mode (MADCTRL) to the controller memory. You can experiment with this in the method ILI9486_SPI::setRotation(uint8_t r), most likely use of MADCTL_MX. You could also take a look at other libraries, e.g. https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX.