Zinggi / UnrealScriptIDE

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Snippets and caps #13

Closed EliotVU closed 11 years ago

EliotVU commented 11 years ago

All your snippets seem to complete to capitalized keywords could you have an option to complete non-capitalized keywords? For exmaple if I start with a non-capitalized letter of a keyword such as DefaultProperties could you make it complete to defaultproperties and vice versa?

Zinggi commented 11 years ago

The snippet system of sublime isn't really flexible. I could only add alternative snippets with the same content, but not capitalized. However this wouldn't allow the user to make it back as it was, and I wouldn't want that as the default option.

The reason for that is that I want to have capitalized completions, but I don't want to type them capitalized. So if you want to have that on your pc, just copy the most used snippets and change the trigger and content accordingly.