Zinggi / UnrealScriptIDE

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added setting save_all_on_build; automatically saving all UnrealScript f... #18

Closed ArchyInf closed 11 years ago

ArchyInf commented 11 years ago


I added a setting save_all_on_build, default: True which saves all dirty UnrealScript files when starting a build.

There already is a checkbox and a option with the same name in the default sublime workspace but I couldn't figure out how to read it. Perhaps you know how to do that and could bind the function to the already existing option?

This is a REALLY nice plugin! Julian

Zinggi commented 11 years ago

Hi, thanks for this!

I think it's better that way, as someone might use Sublime for other languages as well and he might not want to enable this setting for them, so I guess that's alright.

Generally you'd access a setting like this: self.settings = sublime.load_settings('UnrealScriptIDE.sublime-settings')

Best regards and thanks for your contribution, Zinggi

ArchyInf commented 11 years ago

The existing setting is only defined in the *.sublime-workspace file so it would allow setting it for each workspace individually. There is no global option for this. I didn't find a way to get the current workspace settings. view.settings() does not include it. I couldn't find the path to the current workspace or something similiar either.

Well, I'm fine with leaving it the way it is now too. Thanks for merging!