Zinggi / UnrealScriptIDE

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fixed bug with udk instalation path. #20

Closed rvc86 closed 10 years ago

rvc86 commented 10 years ago

fixed bug causing udk installation paths that contained spaces to fail to build and run.

Zinggi commented 10 years ago

Thank you very mutch!

I tried exactly the same, except that I tried to call it with subprocess.Popen(["cmd", args], creationflags=0x08000000) instead of your all in one version.

Do you know why mine didn't work and yours does?

cheers, Zinggi

rvc86 commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure, it's the first time I'm looking into python :P

Zinggi commented 10 years ago

Ah snap, was hoping you could explain to my why the hell my version wasn't working.. Anyway, I'm really glad you could fix it, thanks again.

rvc86 commented 10 years ago

Probably has to do with how Popen parses lists vs a single string.

Do you have any other small bugs or tasks I could help with? Would be awesome to learn python while contributing to a tool I'm using :)

Zinggi commented 10 years ago

Yeah, probably.

No small bugs I'm aware of right now. However, you're of course always welcome to add a small feature if you can think of something that is missing from this plugin. Or do a completely different plugin, thats how I learned Python in the first place (with this plugin ;) ). It's totally worth it, Python is awesome!