Zinggi / UnrealScriptIDE

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Some updates in existing scripts #24

Closed wallabra closed 9 years ago

wallabra commented 9 years ago

Minor changes that will help, the Surface Vector actually was to be in the "Actor" class but could be used by any other classes in the object-oriented class hierarchy tree, I though.

Zinggi commented 9 years ago

Well this is a rather weird pull request, as it doesn't make much sense. Out of curiosity I also checked out your github profile and noticed that you're content is all pretty fake. I guess you're creating this fake profile to get a job, I won't judge you for that.

However, please note that with both of your "own" repositories (this and this), you're violating the GNU General Public License that this repository is licensed under. Please take them down immediately.

wallabra commented 9 years ago

It doesn't violates, since it is a PUBLIC license, and actually I need the IDE to run UScript without needing Unreal Engine, I think. I still forgot to read the readme to check if it really runs scripts, but I am using them as a platform. Sorry if I am wrong, I am new here.

Zinggi commented 9 years ago

You are violating the license, because you removed the licence file and used another one (cc0). You can't relicense my code under another license, since the original was licensed under GPL, which prevents any relicensing. (You did that here) Alright, the other one might not be a violation since you included the original license there, but nevertheless I advise you to take it down since it makes no sense anyway.

You can't run UScript without the Unreal Engine 1, 2 or 3, don't be silly. Also, even if you could, it wouldn't be any use since UnrealScript can't do anything without the Unreal Engine.

wallabra commented 9 years ago

Just downed the project of Black Box. Now I am using the right license for the other one. And I use Unreal Engine 1 because I LOVE UT99 YEAH GAYBOY and because It's the only UnrealScript version I know to do. From using UnrealEd 2. :D I made interesting classes in Unreal Editor, mostly XDamage, and compiled then with my own compiler in Windows Shell, the UCompiler now in my Bonus Pack 5 in the forums. My UT:GOTY now is corrupted for reasons unknown. I should probably check the thread in Unreal Tournament Forums. Me a Unreal series ****ing fan... To show you, check dat photo with da ChaosUT 1.1 sword out: Gustavo won a match ninja'ing with the sword

Zinggi commented 9 years ago

Alright, now you're just trolling. Could you bother someone else please?

Maybe use something like this: https://github.com/avinassh/rockstar This will be less work for you to get an awesome github profile.

wallabra commented 9 years ago

Whatever, forget that. Important is that I fixed the copyright issue, now I only need to find Unreal Engine 1 opensource to finish off the app I'm doing.