ZipCPU / zipcpu

A small, light weight, RISC CPU soft core
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Disabling OPT_CIS breaks "make" in zipcpu/rtl #1

Closed DoctorWkt closed 6 years ago

DoctorWkt commented 6 years ago

I just commented out OPT_CIS in rtl/cpudefs.v. When I do a "make" in rtl/, it says:

%Warning-UNUSED: core/zipcpu.v:268: Signal is not used: dcd_Rpc %Warning-UNUSED: Use "/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */" and lint_on around source to disable this message. %Error: Exiting due to 1 warning(s)

Cheers, Warren

ZipCPU commented 6 years ago

Sorry ... didn't notice these had been accumulating! I just fixed this in the dev/ branch. You'll still have problems with the toolsuite, though. The assembler needs to be given a "--nocis" option in order to build software without the CIS instruction set. This includes while building the C-library, and the GCC library.