Zirak / SO-ChatBot

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Revoke/undo a command that you invoked? #259

Open xbenjii opened 8 years ago

xbenjii commented 8 years ago

Is there any reason this is RO only?

I feel that if you invoked the command, then you should be able to revoke it.

Zirak commented 8 years ago

Laziness. You're right that you should be able to undo your own commands, but that's not entirely trivial. It requires both storing who did what and handling ranges. Not terribly difficult, but, as said, lazy.

xbenjii commented 8 years ago

What about storing them in localStorage, with a max age of 5 minutes or so?

MadaraUchiha commented 8 years ago

For starters, any chat user can only delete their own messages within 2 minutes of posting anyway, so if there's a storage, it'd be for 2 minutes.