ZiwenZhuang / parkour

[CoRL 2023] Robot Parkour Learning
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IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, int, byte or bool tensors #2

Open logic110 opened 9 months ago

logic110 commented 9 months ago

Hi, thank you for your great job about parkour. I encountered some problems when I ran "barrier_track.py". "IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, int, byte or bool tensors." What I need to do?

ZiwenZhuang commented 9 months ago

Hi, Could you explain more details about your problem? The file barrier_track.py is not designed to be run alone. As I remembered, "IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, int, byte or bool tensors." happened when some of the field in the configuration becomes a float rather than an integer. But I need more details to help you.

Could you show more about how you run the script and what does the error message says?


logic110 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your fast reply! These are the wrong details. python play.py --task a1_crawl --load_run /home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/field_a1/crawl_raw_919_ok Importing module 'gym_38' (/home/robot/parkour/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/gym_38.so) Setting GYM_USD_PLUG_INFO_PATH to /home/robot/parkour/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/usd/plugInfo.json PyTorch version 2.1.0+cu121 Device count 1 /home/robot/parkour/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/src/gymtorch Using /home/.cache/torch_extensions/py38_cu121 as PyTorch extensions root... Emitting ninja build file /home/.cache/torch_extensions/py38_cu121/gymtorch/build.ninja... Building extension module gymtorch... Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N) ninja: no work to do. Loading extension module gymtorch... Setting seed: 1 Using LeggedRobotField.init, num_obs and num_privileged_obs will be computed instead of assigned. Not connected to PVD +++ Using GPU PhysX Physics Engine: PhysX Physics Device: cuda:0 GPU Pipeline: enabled /home/anaconda3/envs/parkour/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/functional.py:504: UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at ../aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:3526.) return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, *kwargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined] Total number of volume estimation points for each robot is: 2909 Traceback (most recent call last): File "play.py", line 340, in play(args) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/parkour/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/_contextlib.py", line 115, in decorate_context return func(args, **kwargs) File "play.py", line 165, in play env.reset() File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/base/base_task.py", line 114, in reset obs, privilegedobs, , , = self.step(torch.zeros(self.num_envs, self.num_actions, device=self.device, requires_grad=False)) File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/base/legged_robot.py", line 97, in step self.post_physics_step() File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/base/legged_robot_field.py", line 121, in post_physics_step return super().post_physics_step() File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/base/legged_robot.py", line 135, in post_physics_step self.check_termination() File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/base/legged_robot_field.py", line 135, in check_termination stepping_obstacle_info = self.terrain.get_stepping_obstacle_info(self.volume_sample_points.view(-1, 3)) File "/home/robot/parkour/parkour/legged_gym/legged_gym/utils/terrain/barrier_track.py", line 720, in get_stepping_obstacle_info obstacle_info = self.track_info_map[ IndexError: tensors used as indices must be long, int, byte or bool tensors

ZiwenZhuang commented 9 months ago

What is your pytorch version? Probably because line 698 in barrier_track.py. Maybe try forcing the data type on every possible values?

jdluuu commented 7 months ago

I meet this question too. It can be fixed by change your pytorch to version 1.10.0

jdluuu commented 7 months ago

Besides, mismatched versions of pytorch and cuda worked fine on my computer (pytorch 1.10.0 + cuda 11.7, RTX 3090)

I meet this question too. It can be fixed by change your pytorch to version 1.10.0

Shifters1 commented 6 months ago

I got the same error, using pytorch 1.10.0 + cuda 11.3, RTX 4090, is there any fix?

guyo-shifters commented 5 months ago

i fixed it by adding .long() to the indices in this line, then it works with newer versions of pytorch

sandorfelber commented 5 months ago

i fixed it by adding .long() to the indices in this line, then it works with newer versions of pytorch

Thanks! This worked for me too.

CrazyWan528 commented 3 months ago

i fixed it by adding .long() to the indices in this line, then it works with newer versions of pytorch

Are you using a 4090 GPU? I tried pytorch2.1.0+cuda12.1, pytorch2.0.0+cuda11.8, and pytorch1.10.0+cuda11.3, and they all reported the same error! I'm not sure if my change to "torch.zeros_like(track_idx[0]).long()" on line 698 is correct or not.

CrazyWan528 commented 3 months ago

i fixed it by adding .long() to the indices in this line, then it works with newer versions of pytorch

Based on your suggestion, I changed the .to(int) in line 737 to .long(), and added .long() after line 742 as well, and it then worked fine with the env of pytorch2.0.0+cuda11.8 on RTX4090.

AlorithmKing commented 2 weeks ago

change newer version of pytorch pytorch2.0.0+cuda11.8 and add .long()