ZiwenZhuang / parkour

[CoRL 2023] Robot Parkour Learning
MIT License
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Hardware Deployment for Unitree Go1 #42

Open Sg7400 opened 1 month ago

Sg7400 commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for sharing your resulting code.

I am hardware testing your results using a Unitree Go1 robot.

I only modified 1 line in your code. I modified angle_tolerance=0.2 in line 289 of a1_ros_run.py to 2.0 and tested it.

There seem to be some issues. Could you tell me where I need to change the code?



  1. After running python a1_ros_run.py --mode upboard --logdir Nov02..., the robot does not wake up immediately and starts shaking. And after a few seconds, the robot stands up.
  2. And when the robot stands up, its upper body is tilted because it cannot straighten its hind legs.



  1. When I control the robot with the joystick, the robot becomes unstable and falls.

Could you tell me where the problem is?

Thank you.

ZiwenZhuang commented 1 month ago

Did you turn off the built-in control program? (For go1, some buttons on the joysticks must be pressed before you launch any user program)

Maybe refer to the documentation of go1.

Sg7400 commented 4 weeks ago

Press the L2+A, L2+A, L2+B, L1+L2+Start button on the remote control and start in low-level control mode.

I think there is a problem with UDP communication, so I will look into the cause further.

Thank you.

Indiasuperman commented 5 days ago

sorry to bother you,I want to ask did you train the a1 model or go1 in simulation?