Zj-BinXia / SSL

This project is the official implementation of 'Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Video Super-Resolution', CVPR2023
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Unable to Reproduce Paper Results with Pretrained Models #15

Closed mvgshx closed 1 month ago

mvgshx commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

Thank you for your great work!

I am facing issues reproducing the results for the REDS dataset as presented in the paper, using the pretrained models provided in this repository.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Downloaded the pretrained models from the provided Google Drive link, specifically spynet_sintel_final-3d2a1287.pth and SSL_REDS_BI.pt.
  2. Set up the REDS dataset by following the Dataset Preparation instructions in the README.
  3. Executed sh test_reds_BI.sh using the provided script.

Expected Results

According to the paper, I expected a PSNR/SSIM of 31.06/0.8933.

Actual Results

However, the results I obtained were significantly different, with a PSNR/SSIM of 27.9316/0.8338. Screenshot from 2024-06-12 15-00-19

Additional Information

I would appreciate any guidance on potential steps I might have missed or adjustments I could make to better align my results with those reported in the paper.

Thank you for your assistance and for sharing your work with the community!

mvgshx commented 1 month ago

Apologies, it seems that the REDS dataset was configured wrongly at my end. After a fresh download and regroup of the dataset, the model is able to reproduce the paper's results.