Zj-BinXia / SSL

This project is the official implementation of 'Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Video Super-Resolution', CVPR2023
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The script of runtime/Flops testing #8

Open House-Leo opened 12 months ago

House-Leo commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the great work!

I wonder to know how to accurately test the runtime and Flops (reported as 18ms and 63.9G in the paper).

Can you provide the script for the runtime and Flops testing? This would help provide a fair comparison for future work.


Zj-BinXia commented 12 months ago

Thanks for your interest! Runtime is tested on the inference framework of the company. About FLOPs, you can print the pruned active weight, and use inchanneloutchannelskkIh*Iw to calculate FLOPs