Znote / ZnoteAAC

Developement repository for the Znote AAC project. A website portal to represent and manage your Open Tibia server.
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Store items image are not loaded #483

Closed mofigi closed 2 years ago

mofigi commented 2 years ago

My shop doesn't load the images even though I put the images in .gif format in the folder and change them in imageServer.. directory of item images: /var/www/html/tibia/items

my config.php:
'showImage' => true, 'imageServer' => '', (this ip is fictitious, even putting the ip of my original server does not work)


Znote commented 2 years ago

'imageServer' => '', without http://

or if www/tibia is default web directory: 'imageServer' => '',

(replace with actual IP/domain of your server).

mofigi commented 2 years ago

hmmm ok znote, the "items" I managed to solve, but as "outfits" I didn't .. even putting the same directory as the items, without https:// and with the correct ip of my server, the outfits don't load config item: 'imageServer' => 'myserverip/tibia/items', (items ok) config outfits: 'imageServer' => 'myserverip/tibia/outfits' (dont show outfits) I've already checked the outfits directory and everything is fine, just like the items.

Znote commented 2 years ago

full path (including http or https) to PHP file that renders the outfit, etc:

'imageServer' => 'https://outfit-images.ots.me/animatedOutfits1099/animoutfit.php'

I know this is a bit of a weird inconsistency with Znote AAC. :P

Note: Some layouts break this and have custom outfit generator rules.

mofigi commented 2 years ago

The outfits I couldn't solve even doing what you recommended, znote. Follow the prints https://prnt.sc/1mbrhlf (not loading outfit) https://prnt.sc/1mbsnne (my outfits folder .. (inside each folder has a .gif image))
https://prnt.sc/1mbthsj (My outfits config.php)