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zNote SHOP - item pack #484

Closed mofigi closed 2 years ago

mofigi commented 2 years ago

is it possible to put a pack of various items in the shop? ex: shield + 20 crystal coin + golden helmet for 10 points ?

Znote commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is what custom types are for.

Add new typeid here: https://github.com/Znote/ZnoteAAC/blob/ec55497c5abcad662489e6616d726e749a9e1bb3/Lua/TFS_10/revscriptsys/shopsystem_globalevent.lua#L4

Add type description here: https://github.com/Znote/ZnoteAAC/blob/ec55497c5abcad662489e6616d726e749a9e1bb3/Lua/TFS_10/revscriptsys/shopsystem_globalevent.lua#L26-L34

Add type processing code here: (Above if not served then) https://github.com/Znote/ZnoteAAC/blob/ec55497c5abcad662489e6616d726e749a9e1bb3/Lua/TFS_10/revscriptsys/shopsystem_globalevent.lua#L144-L145


-- ORDER TYPE 8 (Starter Pack)
if orderType == 8 then
    served = true
    local itemType = ItemType(orderItemId)
    -- Get weight
    if player:getFreeCapacity() >= itemType:getWeight(orderCount) then
        local backpack = player:getSlotItem(CONST_SLOT_BACKPACK)
        -- variable = (condition) and (return if true) or (return if false)
        local needslots = itemType:isStackable() and math.floor(orderCount / 100) + 1 or orderCount
        if backpack ~= nil and backpack:getEmptySlots(false) >= needslots then
            db.query("DELETE FROM `znote_shop_orders` WHERE `id` = " .. orderId .. ";")

            -- Create items for player
            local scroll = Game.createItem(5957, 1) -- Lottery ticket
            scroll:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "Teleport scroll")
            scroll:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Teleports you to starter pack island.")

            -- Add items to player
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Congratulations! You have received the starter pack!")

            print("Process complete. [".. player:getName() .."] has received starter pack.")
        else -- not enough slots
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Your main backpack is full. You need to free up "..needslots.." available slots to get " .. orderCount .. " " .. ItemType(orderItemId):getName() .. "!")
            print("Process canceled. [".. player:getName() .."] need more space in his backpack to get " .. orderCount .. "x " .. ItemType(orderItemId):getName() .. ".")
    else -- not enough cap
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "You need more CAP to carry this order!")
        print("Process canceled. [".. player:getName() .."] need more cap to carry " .. orderCount .. "x " .. ItemType(orderItemId):getName() .. ".")

In shop offers, add the new type, itemid is for image to show. https://github.com/Znote/ZnoteAAC/blob/ec55497c5abcad662489e6616d726e749a9e1bb3/config.php#L1002-L1066


10 => array(
    'type' => 8, // The new custom type you built
    'itemid' => 12466,
    'count' => 1,
    'description' => "Starter pack bundle",
    'points' => 10,