ZoeLocke / dlmconsultants

Hugo site for DLM Consultants
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The service modals #37

Open Alex-Yates opened 6 years ago

Alex-Yates commented 6 years ago

I understand why you simplified the DLM Health Check page, and you are right that it should be shorter, but I like the testimonial/case study side of it. I was going to update the DLM Kickstarter page to include a reference to Greentube, featuring a bunch of the info at dlmconsultants.com/greentube.

I also really like the pic on the DLM Health Check page. I think it really livens up the page. It makes it exciting rather than fairly dull.

I know those are my words, but when I see them in the modal it just seems really boring and forgettable.

Would appreciate your thoughts on how best to fix it.

ZoeLocke commented 6 years ago


The modals can scroll, so we can add everything to it, but then the call to action is "below the fold", I can add it back in, but I can also create dedicated pages for them with a "read even more!" button next to the contact us button, but I'd want to do that post go-live (though by that I mean I can do it next week)

The pic on the health check was inconsistent with the other services (and was quite large, taking up valuable screen space in the modal) I'd suggest if we go with the even more info on separate pages idea we use the picture there, but either way we should have pictures like that for all the services

Alex-Yates commented 6 years ago

I have a pick from Greentube too that we can use for the Kickstarter- but it isn't as good as the FCMA one.

For the workshops I have a workshop style pick but open to using something else.