ZoeyVid / NPMplus

Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
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stream port ranges not supported? #945

Closed gadget78 closed 1 week ago

gadget78 commented 1 week ago

this has been brought up in the NPM github issues here .. https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager/issues/1969

were we are not able to state a range for the streams to use, and nginx is able to support them natively as pointed out in the nginx native docs .. https://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_core_module.html#listen

i actually need this support in the API as well, as i m trying to populate the streams via API i initially thought it was a API issue, but then realized it was a actual NPM issue.

Zoey2936 commented 1 week ago

Hello, I will allow this in a few days.


gadget78 commented 1 week ago

thats awesome thankyou for prompt reply, with a solution for near future ! will be on standby ready to test

Zoey2936 commented 1 week ago

will be released in a few hours

gadget78 commented 5 days ago

this works fantastically :) and via the API too, thankyou ....

i know this is closed topic now, as post is now fixed, and i know this question is more of "how nginx works ... " just im having trouble pin pointing an answer ..

so now we have port ranges in streams, so we can now set "Incoming Port" to, lets say 1000-10010 for an example.. and we set "Forward Port" to 1000 does ALL traffic from those 10 ports all get funnelled into that single port of 1000 ? or does it "map" so traffic at port 1002, gets forwarded port of 1002 ?

and if not, is there a method that can enable this ? like some form of directive within any form of custom mapping ?

or would i need to map each port individually ?

Zoey2936 commented 5 days ago

sorry, no idea, I don't use streams, they just exist because of upstream