Zokonius / planar-artifice

The Planar Artifice addon for Thaumcraft 6.
MIT License
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Focus color selector scales oddly with rest of UI #90

Open Eario opened 2 years ago

Eario commented 2 years ago

When using the focal manipulator with the "Focus Colorizers" research completed, the color selector appears shifted upward and to the left relative to the rest of the GUI when on any scale other than "Auto".

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Unlock "Focus Colorizers"
  2. in Settings, under Video Settings, adjust GUI scale to any option other than Auto
  3. open Focal Manipulator GUI
  4. See error

The color selector should remain at the bottom of the GUI.

Example (this is at Large GUI scale): 2022-06-22_18 30 43