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Stack Exchange Chat bot
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Throttling messes up layout of messages #10

Closed skiwi2 closed 10 years ago

skiwi2 commented 10 years ago

If you first post a singular message, and then a commit (two messages), within env.chatThrottle time, then the formatting is messed up.

A commit (two messages) should always be sent together.

skiwi2 commented 10 years ago

A workaround could be submit messages as a List<String>.

Zomis commented 10 years ago

A problem is that you can't be entirely sure about if there will be a spam throttle delay imposed by StackExchange after the first message

skiwi2 commented 10 years ago

That is why after having send a single message as last burst, you should always think that a throttle has happened (so wait env.chatThrottle milliseconds) before sending your new burst. It's the best effort we can do.