Closed Vannevelj closed 9 years ago
Could you show an example of the JSON data that is sent to Duga? If the JSON contains the required information, the answer is yes. Otherwise no.
Hmm. I don't immediately see anything that points towards it which is strange because the UI in AppVeyor itself indicates that it knows it's working on a PR.
"id": 287881646,
"sha": "783d44335558f8d0eff587281bdd60aa9632d2a8",
"name": "Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics",
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"context": "continuous-integration/appveyor",
"description": "AppVeyor build failed",
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"date": "2015-08-18T17:14:08Z"
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"name": "Jeroen Vannevel",
"email": "",
"date": "2015-08-18T17:14:08Z"
"message": "Merge pull request #179 from Vannevelj/issue174\n\nCloses #174",
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seems like the only thing that references the PR is the commit message,
"message": "Merge pull request #179 from Vannevelj/issue174\n\nCloses #174",
Don't think that is a good option to use though.
I see no way to fix this, closing it. Might re-open if someone suggests a reasonable solution.
You could check whether the commit contains #<number>
and if it does, display a link to that github issue (<number>
). Many PR messages contain something like that to reference the PR and the issue automatically on github. If you can't find it, you just don't add it.
That's not something I consider a good solution. Not worth it IMO. [tag:status-declined]
The JSON posted here looks like coming from a merge-commit, which usually is not part (and especially not tip) of a PR. @Vannevelj are you dead sure this is a PullRequest build?
@Vogel612 good point. I just checked some recent logs and I found this hook:
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This seems like a different merge commit though I'm sure at least one of them must've been done through a proper PR, if not both. I looked at other deliveries and these seem most relevant -- yet, no link to the PR.
When a PR builds on AppVeyor, the message shown in chat will contain a link to
Would it be possible to also link to the exact PR?