Zondax / ledger-astar

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Claiming eras #14

Closed KaneWatson closed 1 year ago

KaneWatson commented 1 year ago

Hello, I tried to stake Astar with my ledger and I realized that I can stake and unstake but I cannot claim staking rewards. Any ETA on when this feature will be added? Thanks.

carlosala commented 1 year ago

Which is the method used for claim the rewards?

KaneWatson commented 1 year ago

I got 2 different errors: when the eras available to claim are <= 10, the method was "nesting" if I remember correctly. The error it returns is "method not supported". When the eras available to claim are > 10, they should normally be claimed over multiple times as you can't claim more than 10 at once. The method is "utility.batch(calls)" and within it there is another method called "claimStaker". The error it returns is "Call vector exceeeds limit"

bundabrg commented 1 year ago

Was this ever resolved? I have the same issue but as there is not many complaints online either no-one is using ledger to unstake or it's a client side issue.

I've used both the astar dapp method as well as calling the extrinsics directly.

AyoubAloui94 commented 1 year ago

Nope, it's still unresolved. I think it's either your first suggestion or maybe the fact that not a lot of people have the reflex to get on github and try to post the issue here. Hopefully we get an app update sometime soon..

bundabrg commented 1 year ago

This has been forked onto LedgerHQ with additional commits (mainly around CI/CD) but unfortunately has no issue tracker. Thanks for getting back.

ainhoa-a commented 1 year ago

Implemented and part of the latest astar Ledger public release