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Claim dapp rewards - Call vector exceeds limit error #20

Closed MateuszMielniczuk closed 1 year ago

MateuszMielniczuk commented 1 year ago

I'm using latest version 2.25.2, ledger nano S and polkadot.js chrome extension. After clicking claim button and Sign on ledger there is error: Call vector exceeds limit error. On Astar website I can see that it is possible to claim only 2 eras with nano S device. Also found same error on Astar forum: https://forum.astar.network/t/dapp-staking-with-ledger/4247/3 I tried both Astar and Astar XL. In README.md there is info that claim Dapp should work and there is no info about any limitations.

carlosala commented 1 year ago

That limitation in the number of items in a vector is a hardware limitation, we cannot override it, otherwise we'd end out of stack. It should be something that Astar Dapp should handle, and only send 2 call at a time.