Zondax / ledger-astar

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Call nesting not supported when claiming staking rewards #24

Closed valentunn closed 6 months ago

valentunn commented 6 months ago

Hey, can you pelase whitelist DappsStaking.claim_staker and DappsStaking.claim_dapp for nesting in batch calls? Currently users cant claim rewards via astar portal when multiple rewards are claimable

Health15 commented 6 months ago


Health15 commented 6 months ago

Same problem.

Health15 commented 6 months ago

![Uploading IMG_2115.jpeg…]()

Health15 commented 6 months ago


Health15 commented 6 months ago

![Uploading IMG_2115.jpeg…]()

Health15 commented 6 months ago

When will the problem be solved? I simply can't take my astar back because of this!

Health15 commented 6 months ago


Health15 commented 6 months ago

Big problem need to resolve

AyoubAloui94 commented 6 months ago

same here, unable to claim staking rewards and therefore unable to unstake. a fix would be appreciated.

impelcrypto commented 6 months ago

It seems both calls are supported by the batch call. Have you checked the length of the batch array? Nano X is allowed to call the batch transaction with a maximum length of 6 and Nano S with 2.


AyoubAloui94 commented 6 months ago

the array is much longer than that sadly.. I reached out to polkadot support about the issue previously and this is what they told me Screenshot 2024-01-08 042920

impelcrypto commented 6 months ago

That's right. You might want to adjust the number of transactions in the batch transaction. https://docs.astar.network/docs/build/integrations/wallets/ledger/ledger-native/#ledger-nanos-and-s-plusx-device-limitations

ftheirs commented 6 months ago

Seems to be the same issue as here: https://github.com/Zondax/ledger-astar/issues/20

AyoubAloui94 commented 6 months ago

I tried this and it works:


Press the wallet address in the top right part of the screen in the dapp staking page, select your ledger device and check the thingy at the bottom that says "This is a Ledger account" and then connect, it will allow you to claim staking rewards over multiple times, taking into account the limitation on ledger devices.

Health15 commented 6 months ago

Hi! I read the instructions, but I still didn't figure out how to change the packages for a successful transaction

AyoubAloui94 commented 6 months ago

Hi! I read the instructions, but I still didn't figure out how to change the packages for a successful transaction

what extension wallet are you using?