ZoneMinder / mlapi

An easy to use/extend object recognition API you can locally install. Python+Flask. Also works with ZMES!
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Return Image with boxes? #1

Closed BradFD closed 4 years ago

BradFD commented 5 years ago

I got this running after fighting with python, keras and tensorflow versions and forcing downgrades on those and it appears to work well now but how do I get the image with the box drawn as a return from the api?

The api server seems to make a new random hash like name of any remote or local images in the /image directory but that new random name is not specified in the returned json. So if I am serving a lot of requests to it I won't know which image name goes with my request or if there is a way to ask for it from the api. Thanks. Sorry for the novice questions.

pliablepixels commented 5 years ago

It’s always easier to run them using a virtualenv.

The api doesn’t return an image. It returns box dimensions and text. The user is expected to draw their own image box using the meta data if needed.