ZoneMinder / zmNinja

High performance, cross platform ionic app for Home/Commerical Security Surveillance using ZoneMinder
983 stars 266 forks source link

Mass push notification sent to users without official context #1100

Closed mattezell closed 1 year ago

mattezell commented 1 year ago

The version of zmNinja you are reporting:


The version and OS of ZoneMinder you are using:


Platform zmNinja is running on

Samsung Note 20, Android 12

Did you build the package from source code yourself?


Describe the bug A push notification was randomly sent at 7:16AM EST on 2022/07/20 containing "Test from pliablepixels to see if legacy FCM works" with no further context or official project/maintainer acknowledgement/communication.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image

Additional context The concern in the userbase that I've discussed this push notification with has been that users do not know if this was an official test, an accidental user broadcast sent to all zmNinja users, or an indication of a compromise of the project / supporting services. I believe a simple tweet from the @zoneminder account or a comment here would put concerns to ease. Thank you!

SteveGilvarry commented 1 year ago

It was sent by Pliable Pixels the author of zmNinja to confirm if Legacy FCM would still work with the last release of zmNinja he made. I believe the answer was no when tested from ZMES, whereas this test was sent directly from his Google FCM account. AKA the same place all your notifications have been coming from in the past.