ZoneMinder / zmeventnotification

Machine Learning powered Secure Websocket & MQTT based ZoneMinder event notification server
407 stars 127 forks source link

No Object Detection #368

Closed tibmeister closed 3 years ago

tibmeister commented 3 years ago

Event Server version 6.1.14

Hooks version (if you are using Object Detection) app:6.1.14, pyzm:0.3.36

The version of ZoneMinder you are using: 1.34.23

What is the nature of your issue Bug


Alarm trigger does not perform any object detection since upgrading ES and ZM.

Debug Logs (if applicable)

03/10/21 22:58:21 zmesdetect_m2[29068] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] INF [---------| app:6.1.14, pyzm:0.3.36, ES:6.1.14 , OpenCV:4.5.1-pre|------------]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG1 [secret filename: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG1 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [import_zm_zones: match_reason=True and reason=Forced Web]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Getting ZM zones using]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Skipping Day - Driveway End as it is inactive]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [Skipping Day - Porch as it is inactive]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG2 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] DBG1 [using username/password for login]
03/10/21 22:58:22 zmesdetect_m2[29068] FAT [Unrecoverable error:'str' object has no attribute 'lineno' Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 193, in _login
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/", line 935, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 575, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 329, in main_handler
    zmapi = zmapi.ZMApi(options=api_options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 77, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 221, in _login
    self.logger.Error('Got API login error: {}'.format(err), 'error')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 422, in Error
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 350, in _log
    line = caller.lineno
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'lineno'

My object detection config


# this is the global detection pattern used for all monitors.
# choose any set of classes from here
# for everything, make it .*


# For Google Coral Edge TPU

# For YoloV3 full
#object_processor=cpu # or gpu

# FOR YoloV4. 
#object_processor=cpu # or gpu

# For tiny Yolo V3

# For tiny Yolo V4
#object_processor=cpu # or gpu

Hooks sections

use_hooks = yes


# NOTE: This entire section is only valid if use_hooks is yes above

# Shell script name here to be called every time an alarm is detected
# the script will get passed $1=alarmEventID,  $2=alarmMonitorId
# $3 monitor Name, $4 alarm cause 
# script needs to return 0 to send alarm (default: none)

# This script is called when an event first starts. If the script returns "0"
# (success), then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_start_notify_on_hook_success. If the script returns "1" (fail)
# then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_start_notify_on_hook_fail
event_start_hook = '{{base_data_path}}/bin/'

#This script is called after event_start_hook completes. You can do 
# your housekeeping work here
#event_start_hook_notify_userscript = '{{base_data_path}}/contrib/'

# This script is called when an event ends. If the script returns "0"
# (success), then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_end_notify_on_hook_success. If the script returns "1" (fail)
# then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_end_notify_on_hook_fail
event_end_hook = '{{base_data_path}}/bin/'

#This script is called after event_end_hook completes. You can do 
# your housekeeping work here
#event_end_hook_notify_userscript = '{{base_data_path}}/contrib/'

# Possible channels = web,fcm,mqtt,api
# all is short for web,fcm,mqtt,api
# use none for no notifications, or comment out the attribute 

# When an event starts and hook returns 0, send notification to all. Default: none
event_start_notify_on_hook_success = fcm,mqtt,api,web

# When an event starts and hook returns 1, send notification only to desktop. Default: none
event_start_notify_on_hook_fail = fcm,mqtt,api

# When an event ends and hook returns 0, send notification to fcm,web,api. Default: none
event_end_notify_on_hook_success = fcm,mqtt,api,web

# When an event ends and hook returns 1, don't send notifications. Default: none
event_end_notify_on_hook_fail = fcm,mqtt,api,web
#event_end_notify_on_hook_fail = web

# Since event_end and event_start are two different hooks, it is entirely possible
# that you can get an end notification but not a start notification. This can happen
# if your start script returns 1 but the end script returns 0, for example. To avoid
# this, set this to yes (default:yes)
event_end_notify_if_start_success = yes

# If yes, the text returned by the script
# overwrites the alarm header 
# useful if your script is detecting people, for example
# and you want that to be shown in your notification (default:yes)
use_hook_description = yes

# If yes will will append an [a] for alarmed frame match
# [s] for snapshot match or [x] if not using bestmatch
# really only a debugging feature but useful to know
# where object detection is working or failing
keep_frame_match_type = yes

# list of monitors for which hooks will not run
# hook_skip_monitors = 2

# if enabled, will pass the right folder for the hook script
# to store the detected image, so it shows up in ZM console view too
# Requires ZM >=1.33. Don't enable this if you are running an older version

# Note: you also need to set write_image_to_zm=yes in objectconfig.ini
# default: no
hook_pass_image_path = yes


ghost commented 3 years ago

Its saying it cant find the login file in url. is your API setup for that path? requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: try curl or wget to that api adddress and see what happens. Seems your other stuff is set up fine.

ghost commented 3 years ago
--2021-03-11 00:53:21--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:2417... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized

Username/Password Authentication Failed.

see how I changed it to from

Change your API in zmNinja app

pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

Check secrets.ini for api and portal URLs. I suspect one of them don't have /zm at the end.

tibmeister commented 3 years ago






I haven't touched the secrets.ini file for some months, so not sure how that was altered.

pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

Is this issue resolved then? (the software doesn't do any write operations to secrets.ini)

tibmeister commented 3 years ago

Oh I'm sure I restored an older version at some point trying to troubleshoot various things.