ZoneMinder / zmeventnotification

Machine Learning powered Secure Websocket & MQTT based ZoneMinder event notification server
408 stars 128 forks source link

match_past_detections = yes make an error in debug log #385

Closed connectnet closed 3 years ago

connectnet commented 3 years ago

Event Server version app:6.1.20, pyzm:0.3.45

Hooks version (if you are using Object Detection) app:6.1.20, pyzm:0.3.45

Are you using MLAPI? (Y/N) n

The version of ZoneMinder you are using: v1.34.23

What is the nature of your issue


match_past_detections = yes make an error in debug log

Debug Logs (if applicable)

Important: Please post DEBUG logs NOT INF logs. Instructions on how to enable debug logs are posted HERE

04/10/21 12:17:53 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
04/10/21 12:17:53 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
04/10/21 12:17:53 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [---------| app:6.1.20, pyzm:0.3.45, ES:6.1.20 , OpenCV:4.5.2-dev|------------]
04/10/21 12:17:54 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
04/10/21 12:17:54 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
04/10/21 12:18:09 zmesdetect_m2[74819] INF [Removing matches to past detections for monitor:2]
04/10/21 12:18:09 zmesdetect_m2[74819] FAT [Unrecoverable error:list index out of range Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 547, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 411, in main_handler
    matched_data,all_data = m.detect_stream(stream=stream, options=stream_options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/", line 798, in detect_stream
    matched_b,matched_l,matched_c, matched_detection_types, matched_model_names = self._process_past_detections(matched_b, matched_l, matched_c, matched_det
ection_types, matched_model_names)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/", line 368, in _process_past_detections
IndexError: list index out of range
pliablepixels commented 3 years ago
  1. I am not able to replicate this. Please make sure you have updated your ES+pyzm correctly. Your versions show correct, but the error seems to indicate it is an old library (pyzm)

  2. Please follow the instructions in the issue template - you haven't posted DEBUG logs

connectnet commented 3 years ago
  1. Sorry for the incomplete log.
  2. Here are the debug logfiles


/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [---------| app:6.1.20, pyzm:0.3.45, ES:6.1.20 , OpenCV:4.5.2-dev|------------]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [secret filename: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_USER]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !PLATEREC_ALPR_KEY]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Now checking for monitor overrides]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Finally, doing parameter substitution]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [using username/password for login]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Using new token API]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [using ml_sequence]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [using stream_sequence]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [Resetting models, will be loaded on next run]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Using manual locking as we are only using one model]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Media get SSL certificate check has been disbled]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Using URL 168 for stream]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [We will only process frames: ['snapshot', 'alarm']]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [No need to start streams, we are picking images from]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Reading]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running object model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Skipping TPU object detection as it is disabled]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Loading sequence: YoloV4 GPU/CPU]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Initializing model  type:object with options:{'name': 'YoloV4 GPU/CPU', 'enabled': 'yes', 'object_config': '/var/lib/zmevent
notification/models/yolov4/yolov4.cfg', 'object_weights': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights', 'object_labels': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/coco.names',
 'object_min_confidence': 0.3, 'object_framework': 'opencv', 'object_processor': 'gpu', 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max
_detection_size': '90%', 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [portalock: max:1, name:pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock, timeout:100]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock already acquired]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [|--------- Loading "YoloV4 GPU/CPU" model from disk -------------|]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights model from disk) took: 105.58
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Setting CUDA backend for OpenCV]
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [If you did not set your CUDA_ARCH_BIN correctly during OpenCV compilation, you will get errors during detection related to invalid devi
04/10/21 14:41:25 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*450h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 892.88 ms]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 0.96 ms]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [core model detection over, got 2 objects. Now filtering]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 2 objects.]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['car', 'person'],conf:[0.964298665523529, 0.4617263674736023]]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [No polygons, adding full image polygon: {'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (1920, 0), (1920, 1080), (0, 1080)], 'patte
rn': None}]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [resized polygons x=0.4166666666666667/y=0.4166666666666667: [{'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (800, 0), (800, 450), 
(0, 450)], 'pattern': None}]]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [intersection: comparing object:car,POLYGON ((92 44, 414 44, 414 424, 92 424, 92 44)) to polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 80
0 0, 800 450, 0 450, 0 0))]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: .*]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [full_image intersects object:car[[(92, 44), (414, 44), (414, 424), (92, 424)]]]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [intersection: comparing object:person,POLYGON ((188 106, 274 106, 274 188, 188 188, 188 106)) to polygon:full_image,POLYGON 
((0 0, 800 0, 800 450, 0 450, 0 0))]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: .*]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [full_image intersects object:person[[(188, 106), (274, 106), (274, 188), (188, 188)]]]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Reading]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:alarm]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running object model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 14:41:26 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*450h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 603.95 ms]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 0.89 ms]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [core model detection over, got 2 objects. Now filtering]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Ignoring person [210, 27, 242, 53] as conf. level 0.24049755930900574 is lower than 0.3]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 1 objects.]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['car'],conf:[0.9985272884368896]]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [intersection: comparing object:car,POLYGON ((146 3, 406 3, 406 141, 146 141, 146 3)) to polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 80
0 0, 800 450, 0 450, 0 0))]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: .*]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [full_image intersects object:car[[(146, 3), (406, 3), (406, 141), (146, 141)]]]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG3 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock already released]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] INF [Removing matches to past detections for monitor:2]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG2 [trying to load /var/lib/zmeventnotification/images/monitor-2-data.pkl]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG1 [No history data file found for monitor 2]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Globals:past detection:use_percent:True, max_diff_area:5]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] DBG4 [Found car_past_det_max_diff_area=10%]
04/10/21 14:41:27 zmesdetect_m2[99989] FAT [Unrecoverable error:list index out of range Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 547, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 411, in main_handler
    matched_data,all_data = m.detect_stream(stream=stream, options=stream_options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/", line 798, in detect_stream
    matched_b,matched_l,matched_c, matched_detection_types, matched_model_names = self._process_past_detections(matched_b, matched_l, matched_c, matched_detection_types, matched_model_names)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/", line 368, in _process_past_detections
IndexError: list index out of range

sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/ --debug

10.04.2021 14:44:31.364333 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:326] [Running on WebSocket library version:0.004]
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: using config file: /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini
10.04.2021 14:44:31.405092 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: using config file: /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini]
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: using secrets file: /etc/zm/secrets.ini
10.04.2021 14:44:31.423387 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: using secrets file: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Got secret token !ZMES_PICTURE_URL
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Got secret token !ZM_USER
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Got secret token !ZM_PASSWORD
DBG-3:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: config string substitution: {{base_data_path}} is '/var/lib/zmeventnotification'

Configuration (read /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini):

Secrets file.......................... /etc/zm/secrets.ini
Base data path........................ /var/lib/zmeventnotification
Restart interval (secs)............... 0

Use admin interface .................. no
Admin interface password.............. (undefined)
Admin interface persistence file ..... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/misc/escontrol_interface.dat

Port ................................. 9000
Address .............................. [::]
Event check interval ................. 5
Monitor reload interval .............. 300
Skipped monitors...................... (undefined)

Auth enabled ......................... no
Auth timeout ......................... 20

Use API Push.......................... no
API Push Script....................... (undefined)

Use FCM .............................. yes
Use FCM V1 APIs....................... yes
FCM Date Format....................... %I:%M %p, %d-%b
Only show latest FCMv1 message........ no
Android FCM push priority............. high
Android FCM push ttl.................. (undefined)

Token file ........................... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/push/tokens.txt

Use MQTT ............................. no
MQTT Server ..........................
MQTT Topic ........................... zoneminder
MQTT Username ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Password ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Retain .......................... no
MQTT Tick Interval ................... 15
MQTT TLS CA ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Cert ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Key ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Insecure ........................ no

SSL enabled .......................... no
SSL cert file ........................ /path/to/cert/file.pem
SSL key file ......................... /path/to/key/file.pem

Verbose .............................. yes
ES Debug level.........................4
Read alarm cause ..................... yes
Tag alarm event id ................... yes
Use custom notification sound ........ no
Send event start notification..........yes
Send event end notification............yes
Monitor rules JSON file................(undefined)

Use Hooks............................. yes
Hook Script on Event Start ........... '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/'
User Script on Event Start.............(undefined)
Hook Script on Event End.............. (undefined)
User Script on Event End.............(undefined)
Hook Skipped monitors................. (undefined)

Notify on Event Start (hook success).. all
Notify on Event Start (hook fail)..... none
Notify on Event End (hook success).... fcm,web,api
Notify on Event End (hook fail)....... none
Notify End only if Start success...... yes

Use Hook Description.................. yes
Keep frame match type................. yes
Store Frame in ZM......................yes

Picture URL ..........................
Include picture....................... yes
Picture username ..................... admin
Picture password ..................... (defined)

INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Push enabled via FCM
10.04.2021 14:44:31.528539 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: Push enabled via FCM]
DBG-4:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: fcmv1: --> FCM V1 APIs: 1
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: MQTT Disabled
10.04.2021 14:44:31.540911 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: MQTT Disabled]
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: |------- Starting ES version: 6.1.20 ---------|
10.04.2021 14:44:31.555121 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: |------- Starting ES version: 6.1.20 ---------|]
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Started with: perl:/usr/bin/perl and command:/usr/bin/
Can't ignore signal CHLD, forcing to default.
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: ES invoked manually. Will handle restarts ourselves
WAR:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: WARNING: SSL is disabled, which means all traffic will be unencrypted
10.04.2021 14:44:31.659566 zmeventnotification[102242].WAR [main:1018] [PARENT: WARNING: SSL is disabled, which means all traffic will be unencrypted]
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Parent<--Child pipe ready
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Event Notification daemon v 6.1.20 starting

10.04.2021 14:44:31.672088 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: Event Notification daemon v 6.1.20 starting]
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Initializing FCM tokens...
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Total event client connections: 0

ERR:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Error writing tokens file during count update: Permission denied
10.04.2021 14:44:31.686968 zmeventnotification[102242].ERR [main:1026] [PARENT: Error writing tokens file during count update: Permission denied]
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Re-loading monitors
10.04.2021 14:44:31.702171 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: Re-loading monitors]
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Loading Monitor-1
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Loading Monitor-2
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Loading Monitor-3
DBG-1:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: ESCONTROL_INTERFACE is disabled. Not saving control data
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Secure WS is disabled...
10.04.2021 14:44:31.717148 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: Secure WS is disabled...]
INF:2021-04-10,14:44:31 PARENT: Web Socket Event Server listening on port 9000
10.04.2021 14:44:31.732102 zmeventnotification[102242].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: Web Socket Event Server listening on port 9000]
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:0, running for:1 min)<--------------
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process
DBG-2:2021-04-10,14:44:36 PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:0)<--------------
pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

Looks like old pyzm code.

Please update ES to 6.1.21, make sure it installs pyzm 0.3.46

After you update, please check the output of

pp@homeserver:~$ head -738 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/ | tail -1

In my case it prints

connectnet commented 3 years ago

output of head -738 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyzm/ml/ | tail -1 prints (now after update) _detection_types_in_frame.extend([seq]*len(_l_best_in_same_model))

pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

ok good, let me know if the error continues

connectnet commented 3 years ago

thank you for the fix, works and is error free but after a car is detected the alpr recognition doesn't works

ml_sequence= {
    'general': {
        'model_sequence': '{{my_sequence}}',
            'disable_locks': '{{disable_locks}}',
        'match_past_detections': '{{match_past_detections}}',
        'past_det_max_diff_area': '5%',
        'car_past_det_max_diff_area': '10%',
        #'ignore_past_detection_labels': ['dog', 'cat']

    'object': {
        'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'first' # also 'most', 'most_unique's
        'sequence': [{
        #First run on TPU with higher confidence
        'name': 'TPU object detection',
        'enabled': 'no',
        'object_labels': '{{tpu_object_labels}}',
        'object_min_confidence': {{tpu_min_confidence}},
        'tpu_max_processes': {{tpu_max_processes}},
        'tpu_max_lock_wait': {{tpu_max_lock_wait}},

        # YoloV4 on GPU if TPU fails (because sequence strategy is 'first')
        'name': 'YoloV4 GPU/CPU',
        'enabled': 'yes', # don't really need to say this explictly
        'object_labels': '{{yolo4_object_labels}}',
        'object_min_confidence': {{object_min_confidence}},
        'object_processor': '{{yolo4_object_processor}}',
        'gpu_max_processes': {{gpu_max_processes}},
        'gpu_max_lock_wait': {{gpu_max_lock_wait}},
        'cpu_max_processes': {{cpu_max_processes}},
        'cpu_max_lock_wait': {{cpu_max_lock_wait}},

    'face': {
        'pattern': '{{face_detection_pattern}}',
        'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'union' # combines all outputs of this sequence
        'sequence': [
            'name': 'TPU face detection',
            'enabled': 'no',
            'face_detection_framework': 'tpu',
            'face_min_confidence': 0.3,

        'name': 'DLIB based face recognition',
        'enabled': 'yes',
        #'pre_existing_labels': ['face'], # use in combination with TPU face det above
        'face_detection_framework': '{{face_detection_framework}}',
        'known_images_path': '{{known_images_path}}',
        'unknown_images_path': '{{unknown_images_path}}',
        'face_model': '{{face_model}}',
        'face_train_model': '{{face_train_model}}',
        'face_recog_dist_threshold': '{{face_recog_dist_threshold}}',
        'face_num_jitters': '{{face_num_jitters}}',
        'gpu_max_processes': {{gpu_max_processes}},
        'gpu_max_lock_wait': {{gpu_max_lock_wait}},
        'cpu_max_processes': {{cpu_max_processes}},
        'cpu_max_lock_wait': {{cpu_max_lock_wait}},

    'alpr': {
        'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'first',
        'pre_existing_labels':'car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat',
        'pattern': '{{alpr_detection_pattern}}'

        'sequence': {
        'name': 'Platerecognizer cloud',
        'enabled': 'yes',
        'alpr_api_type': '{{alpr_api_type}}',
        'alpr_service': '{{alpr_service}}',
        'alpr_key': '{{alpr_key}}',
        'platrec_stats': '{{platerec_stats}}',
        'platerec_min_dscore': {{platerec_min_dscore}},
        'platerec_min_score': {{platerec_min_score}},
pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

Need to see debug logs (and make sure my_sequence has alpr in it)

connectnet commented 3 years ago




04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [---------| app:6.1.21, pyzm:0.3.46, ES:6.1.21 , OpenCV:4.5.2-dev|------------]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [secret filename: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_USER]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !PLATEREC_ALPR_KEY]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [Now checking for monitor overrides]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [Finally, doing parameter substitution]
04/10/21 17:29:16 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [using username/password for login]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Using new token API]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [mapping legacy ml data from config]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Changing detection_mode from all to most_models to adapt to new features]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [mapping legacy stream data from config]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Resetting models, will be loaded on next run]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Using automatic locking as we are switching between models]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Media get SSL certificate check has been disbled]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Using URL 259 for stream]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [We will only process frames: ['alarm', 'snapshot']]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [No need to start streams, we are picking images from]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Reading]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:alarm]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running object model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [Loading sequence: index:0]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Initializing model  type:object with options:{'tpu_max_processes': 1, 'tpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gp
u_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max_detection_size': '90%', 'object_config': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov3/yolov3.cfg', 'object_weights'
: '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov3/yolov3.weights', 'object_labels': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov3/coco.names', 'object_min_confidence': 0.3, 'object_framework': 'open
cv', 'object_processor': 'gpu', 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [portalock: max:1, name:pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock, timeout:100]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [|--------- Loading "Yolo" model from disk -------------|]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov3/yolov3.weights model from disk) took: 161.1
2 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Setting CUDA backend for OpenCV]
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [If you did not set your CUDA_ARCH_BIN correctly during OpenCV compilation, you will get errors during detection related to invalid dev
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*450h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 753.08 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 0.95 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [core model detection over, got 1 objects. Now filtering]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 1 objects.]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['car'],conf:[0.9959191679954529]]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [No polygons, adding full image polygon: {'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (1920, 0), (1920, 1080), (0, 1080)], 'patt
ern': None}]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [resized polygons x=0.4166666666666667/y=0.4166666666666667: [{'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (800, 0), (800, 450),
 (0, 450)], 'pattern': None}]]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [intersection: comparing object:car,POLYGON ((558 -6, 802 -6, 802 130, 558 130, 558 -6)) to polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0
, 800 0, 800 450, 0 450, 0 0))]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: .*]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [full_image intersects object:car[[(558, -6), (802, -6), (802, 130), (558, 130)]]]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
04/10/21 17:29:18 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running face model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Face Recognition library load time took: 0.00 ms ]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Initializing face recognition with model:hog upsample:1, jitters:0]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [portalock: max:3, name:pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock, timeout:100]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [pre-trained faces found, using that. If you want to add new images, remove: /var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_faces/faces.dat]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [|---------- Dlib Face recognition (input image: 800w*450h) ----------|]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG5 [Face options={'tpu_max_processes': 1, 'tpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_proces
ses': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'face_detection_framework': 'dlib', 'face_recognition_framework': 'dlib', 'face_processor': 'cpu', 'known_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_f
aces', 'face_model': 'cnn', 'face_train_model': 'cnn', 'unknown_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/unknown_faces', 'unknown_face_name': 'unknown face', 'save_unknown_faces': 'yes', 's
ave_unknown_faces_leeway_pixels': 100, 'face_recog_dist_threshold': 0.6, 'face_num_jitters': 1, 'face_upsample_times': 1, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 17:29:20 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock lock...]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Finding faces took 6217.87 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Released pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Computing face recognition distances took 0.75 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [This model iteration inside face found: labels: [],conf:[]]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [We did not find any face matches in frame: alarm]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Reading]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': None}]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running object model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:26 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*450h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_gpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 562.43 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 1.32 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [core model detection over, got 1 objects. Now filtering]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 1 objects.]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['car'],conf:[0.9492009878158569]]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [intersection: comparing object:car,POLYGON ((-20 34, 574 34, 574 434, -20 434, -20 34)) to polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0
, 800 0, 800 450, 0 450, 0 0))]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: .*]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [full_image intersects object:car[[(-20, 34), (574, 34), (574, 434), (-20, 434)]]]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running face model in sequence ==================]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [|---------- Dlib Face recognition (input image: 800w*450h) ----------|]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG5 [Face options={'tpu_max_processes': 1, 'tpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_proces
ses': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'face_detection_framework': 'dlib', 'face_recognition_framework': 'dlib', 'face_processor': 'cpu', 'known_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_f
aces', 'face_model': 'cnn', 'face_train_model': 'cnn', 'unknown_images_path': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/unknown_faces', 'unknown_face_name': 'unknown face', 'save_unknown_faces': 'yes', 's
ave_unknown_faces_leeway_pixels': 100, 'face_recog_dist_threshold': 0.6, 'face_num_jitters': 1, 'face_upsample_times': 1, 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock...]
04/10/21 17:29:27 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock lock...]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Finding faces took 4738.70 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Released pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Computing face recognition distances took 0.54 ms]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [This model iteration inside face found: labels: [],conf:[]]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG3 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 324000.0]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [We did not find any face matches in frame: snapshot]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] INF [Removing matches to past detections for monitor:2]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [trying to load /var/lib/zmeventnotification/images/monitor-2-data.pkl]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [Globals:past detection:use_percent:True, max_diff_area:5]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [match_past_detections: Comparing  saved car@[(558, -6), (802, -6), (802, 130), (558, 130)] to car@[(558, -6), (802, -6), (8
02, 130), (558, 130)]]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [past detection car@[(558, -6), (802, -6), (802, 130), (558, 130)] approximately matches car@[(558, -6), (802, -6), (802, 13
0), (558, 130)] removing]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Saving detections for monitor 2 for future match]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG4 [saving boxes:[[558, -6, 802, 130]], labels:['car'] confs:[0.9959191679954529] to /var/lib/zmeventnotification/images/monito
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [perf: TOTAL detection sequence (with image loads) took: 15364.55 ms  to process 259]
04/10/21 17:29:32 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG1 [Closing logs]


10.04.2021 17:29:03.876046 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:46, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876114 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876147 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876179 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876251 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876319 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876357 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876405 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876440 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876492 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876518 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:03.876549 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:46)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876629 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:46, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876712 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876751 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876788 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876870 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876952 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.876997 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.877056 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.877098 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.877289 zmeventnotification[103065].INF [main:1010] [PARENT: New event 293 reported for Monitor:3 (Name:Monitor-2) Motion All[last processed eid:291]]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.889526 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=1]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.889618 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.893965 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.894369 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Logger:294] [LogOpts: level=DBG/DBG, screen=OFF, database=INF, logfile=DBG->/var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log, syslog=INF]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.894485 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: Forked process:118910 to handle alarm eid:293]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.894724 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Object:119] [Loading ZoneMinder::Event from Events WHERE Id = 293]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.895703 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Adding event path:/var/cache/zoneminder/events/3/2021-04-10/293 to hook for image storage]
10.04.2021 17:29:08.895732 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Invoking hook on event start:'/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' 293 3 "Monitor-2" "Motion All" "/var/cache/zoneminder/events/3/2021-04-10/293"]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.874682 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.874817 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.874881 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.874990 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875146 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875297 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875357 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875447 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875508 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875615 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: We've already worked on Monitor:3, Event:293, not doing anything more]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875669 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875717 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:13.875771 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874645 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874731 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874775 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874817 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874906 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.874997 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875062 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875132 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875182 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875258 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875294 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:18.875334 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.875957 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876051 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876099 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876144 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876240 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876339 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876394 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876468 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876521 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876602 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876641 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:23.876687 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.974432 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 parse of hook:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  and {"labels": ["bicycle", "person"], "boxes": [[8, 297, 208, 447], [1, 110, 109, 460]], "frame_id": "alarm", "confidences": [0.9767767190933228, 0.8386163711547852], "image_dimensions": {"original": [1080, 1920], "resized": [450, 800]}}]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.974621 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 hook start returned with text:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  json:{"labels": ["bicycle", "person"], "boxes": [[8, 297, 208, 447], [1, 110, 109, 460]], "frame_id": "alarm", "confidences": [0.9767767190933228, 0.8386163711547852], "image_dimensions": {"original": [1080, 1920], "resized": [450, 800]}} exit:0]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.974935 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.975161 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.975287 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 For 3 (Monitor-2), SHM says: state=0, eid=293]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.975816 zmeventnotification[118910].INF [main:1010] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Event 293 for Monitor 3 has finished]
10.04.2021 17:29:25.991149 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Event end object is: state=>pending with cause=>Motion: All]
10.04.2021 17:29:27.991661 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:293, monitor:3, at: Sat Apr 10 17:29:27 2021 with cause:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  Motion All]
10.04.2021 17:29:27.991759 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:3]
10.04.2021 17:29:27.991826 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
10.04.2021 17:29:27.991875 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:27.991955 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.874702 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:159 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.874823 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.875945 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_update--TYPE--3--SPLIT--293--SPLIT--Start--SPLIT--Cause--SPLIT--[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["bicycle", "person"], "boxes": [[8, 297, 208, 447], [1, 110, 109, 460]], "frame_id": "alarm", "confidences": [0.9767767190933228, 0.8386163711547852], "image_dimensions": {"original": [1080, 1920], "resized": [450, 800]}}]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.876076 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: Job: Update active_event eid:293, mid:3, type:Start, field:Cause to: [a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["bicycle", "person"], "boxes": [[8, 297, 208, 447], [1, 110, 109, 460]], "frame_id": "alarm", "confidences": [0.9767767190933228, 0.8386163711547852], "image_dimensions": {"original": [1080, 1920], "resized": [450, 800]}}]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.876460 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->event_description--TYPE--3--SPLIT--293--SPLIT--[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84% ]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.876539 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: Job: Update monitor 3 description:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84% ]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.876604 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: updating Notes clause for Event:293 with:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  ]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.889793 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.889894 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890054 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890194 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890272 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890370 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890444 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890558 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890606 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:28.890657 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:29.992787 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 DB Event notes contain detection text, all good]
10.04.2021 17:29:29.993062 zmeventnotification[118910].INF [main:1010] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 end hooks/use hooks not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass]
10.04.2021 17:29:30.006198 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:30.006409 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:32.006736 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:293, monitor:3, at: Sat Apr 10 17:29:32 2021 with cause:[a] detected:bicycle:98% person:84%  Motion All]
10.04.2021 17:29:32.006816 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:3]
10.04.2021 17:29:32.006865 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
10.04.2021 17:29:32.006907 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:32.006983 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876047 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876123 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876158 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876196 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876257 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876333 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876358 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876390 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876414 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876473 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876492 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:33.876515 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:34.007151 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:34.007283 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:36.007539 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 exiting]
10.04.2021 17:29:36.007668 zmeventnotification[118910].DBG [main:998] [|----> FORK:Monitor-2 (3), eid:293 Ending process:118910 to handle alarms]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.876623 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.876697 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.876914 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_delete--TYPE--3--SPLIT--293]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.876979 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: Job: Deleting active_event eid:293, mid:3]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877067 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877122 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877197 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877271 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877313 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877367 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877407 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877467 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877496 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:38.877530 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.874830 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875082 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875212 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875324 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875566 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875813 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.875951 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.876118 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.876234 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.876416 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.876483 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:43.876538 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876633 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876711 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876751 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876789 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876871 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876953 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.876998 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.877057 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.877098 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.877181 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.877212 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:48.877248 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876038 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876100 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876125 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876152 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876213 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876271 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876305 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876343 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876369 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876408 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876427 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:53.876451 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:47)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876661 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:0, total forks:47, running for:160 min)<--------------]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876732 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876775 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876808 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961583112192 for 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876882 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 1: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876951 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961571504128 for 4]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.876989 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 4: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.877037 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory::Mapped:84] [zmMemAttach already attached at 139961582743552 for 3]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.877072 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [ZoneMinder::Memory:300] [Shared data appears valid for monitor 3: 1]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.877124 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.877150 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
10.04.2021 17:29:58.877181 zmeventnotification[103065].DBG [main:998] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:0, total forks:47)<--------------]
pliablepixels commented 3 years ago
04/10/21 17:29:17 zmesdetect_m2[118957] DBG2 [mapping legacy ml data from config]

This means your use_sequence is set to no and old legacy settings are applied. Please change to use_sequence=yes and then debug through.

connectnet commented 3 years ago

ups... zmesdetect_m2.log

04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] INF [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] INF [---------| app:6.1.21, pyzm:0.3.46, ES:6.1.21 , OpenCV:4.5.2-dev|------------]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG1 [secret filename: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_USER]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_PASSWORD]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !PLATEREC_ALPR_KEY]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG1 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG4 [Now checking for monitor overrides]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG4 [Finally, doing parameter substitution]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG1 [using username/password for login]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [Using new token API]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] DBG2 [using ml_sequence]
04/10/21 18:22:58 zmesdetect_m2[122819] FAT [Unrecoverable error:invalid syntax (<unknown>, line 83) Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 547, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 331, in main_handler
    ml_options = ast.literal_eval(ml_options)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 59, in literal_eval
    node_or_string = parse(node_or_string, mode='eval')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 47, in parse
    return compile(source, filename, mode, flags,
  File "<unknown>", line 83
    'pre_existing_labels':'car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat',
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
pliablepixels commented 3 years ago

You have to read the docs, look at examples and fix your structure. pre_existing_labels is an array.

connectnet commented 3 years ago

After reading the docs it works now. Thank you for your patience.