ZoneMinder / zoneminder

ZoneMinder is a free, open source Closed-circuit television software application developed for Linux which supports IP, USB and Analog cameras.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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When viewing a recorded event, the stream stops when viewing ends and does not resume when you click "Play" #4005

Closed IgorA100 closed 1 month ago

IgorA100 commented 1 month ago

Describe Your Environment

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable viewing of a recorded event lasting 1 minute
  2. Go have a coffee, come back in 5-10 minutes
  3. Press the "Play" button to watch again.
  4. Viewing is not available, there is an error in the browser console

js_logger-base-1712621798.js:91 getCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /run/zm/zms-002076s.sock ) failed: Connection refused

Expected behavior After pressing the "Play" button, playback should begin.

connortechnology commented 1 month ago

the error message means that zms exited. Maybe check in zms logs for why. Because it should hang around on pause. However I can simulate the situation by manually killing zms.

IgorA100 commented 1 month ago

Pause works - OK (I didn't write that you need to pause) zms exited after the event has finished playing - OK But after clicking on the "Play" button, you need to restart the zms process.