Zonkeeh / ONI-Mods

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[Bug] [Wireless Power] Sender Eating Power #62

Open andr9528 opened 3 years ago

andr9528 commented 3 years ago

Steam Name BlueishTiger / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001495857/

Operating System / System requirements Running on 64-bit Windows 10; 16 GB Ram; Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz

Mod Version v1.0.4.2

Game Version Playing on Build: U34-476542-SO

DLC Playing with Spaced out! and ~70 other mods...

Describe the bug Having connected my powerline to the Wireless sender, with a wireless battery on the same channel beside it, It started to take power as expected, but the amount of power inside the Wireless battery didn't change. I recorded it eating my power. On the clip i did not have any receivers on the Frequency. I tried again after adding the receiver, and as soon as the receiving side was full on power, it began eating again.

Could it have something to do with it draining twice the amount specified? Could it have something to do with my increased capacity in batteries/wires?

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Place down Wireless Sender
  2. Place down Wireless Battery
  3. Connect Wireless Sender to a Powersource
  4. Watch Energy go byebye

Expected Behaviour When the Wireless battery is full, id expect any connected Wireless Senders to halt any power consumption.

Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/66mKrkl

Additional context Could very well be a conflict with another mod, but i highly doubt it. I actually have another frequency used (nr. 10), going from my solars to battery bank, but as my banks are never truely full, i havn't noticed it until now, that i was about to move power from the banks out to a geyser i am taming.

I didn't have this issue on my othe run i started a little over a week ago. I started my current run just before the release of the "Rocketry Renovation Update" so it is pretty fresh. perhabs a recent change by Klei has messed with something you used?

Output Log See Player.log below. Player.log

andr9528 commented 3 years ago

Looking at the changelog on steam it says you released an update the "22 Aug @ 6:43pm". That might coincide with when i had a few day break from playing, followed by me starting the new playthrought, where i have the bug. Perhabs something you changed in that version broke something?

andr9528 commented 3 years ago

I think i just narrowed down the cause. I mentioned that it was draining twice the noted power of the the wireless sender. I just moved 80% of a Smart battery through the wireless network, but on the receiving side it only received the equivalent of 40% of a smart battery. That is if the lifetime power received is accurate, which i do think it is. I have just set it up in this Baator world, and this was the first batch of power transfered from the solars to my batteries.

Some amout of tax/loss for using wireless energy is okay, but not 50% of the power sent...

andr9528 commented 3 years ago

So as suggested on Steam i began to fiddle with the config file, and found that setting the file as below, crashes ONI on startup for some reason, with a nullpointerexception. I am pretty certain It is unrelated to the bug above, and might even be a Issue for Klei. Just thought id mention it.


Perhabs adding a config menu on the main menu, like many other mods, will prevent that issue?

Time to try out other combinations to potentially find a config solution to the bug this issue is about...

andr9528 commented 3 years ago


Here is a link to my latest Baator run save file where i had the issue. If you are having trouble loading it, maybe it is because it is a Baator asteroid. In that case perhabs trying with Baator installed too, will work. I am using around 70ish mods in total, so it is going to warn about missing mods.

That said i am 99% sure none of the mods is conflicting with your mod.

Sound good that it appears to be fixed on your end, simply by fixing the visual/recompiling.

Perhabs if you send me a freshly compiled version i could also test to see it on my side, with all the mods. In the case that it runs fine at your side, but still is bugged at me, we will then know it is an incompatibility with another mod.