Zoomicon / READCOM_App

READ-COM: Reading Communities App
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Activate Parent StoryItem of the edited ActiveStoryItem with ctrl+click or right click #213

Closed birbilis closed 2 years ago

birbilis commented 2 years ago

Version: 0.5.10

One can currently move deeper into a child StoryItem of the ActiveStoryItem in edit mode by ctrl+clicking or right-clicking that child item. But to move up to its parent again (where they were before) they have to use the ESC key (shift+esc goes up to the RootStoryItem) on the keyboard or use the StructureView (which has extra cost when visible since it is not optimized and regenerates all its thumbs currently to show updates)

add ctrl+click or right-click to the parent of the ActiveStoryItem to make the parent the ActiveStoryItem (as usual if one clicks a child item of the ActiveStoryItem it makes the child Active). That way one can navigate deeper (into children) and outer (to the parent) with just the mouse (with the right click), without needing to use ESC key (or the structure view) to go one level up. That is if they don't want to use / have open the StructureView

birbilis commented 2 years ago

note that it is implemented for the empty area of the Parent

birbilis commented 2 years ago

done but only on the empty area (background image) of the parent