ZoopOTheGoop / ffxiv-crafting-solver

A lot of abstract math done on reinforcement learning just to solve crafting in a video game
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Add minimum quality recipes #16

Open ZoopOTheGoop opened 1 year ago

ZoopOTheGoop commented 1 year ago

The water otter expert recipes in 6.2 require a minimum collectability, but cannot be HQ. This will require a minor refactor of action success code, but should be easy.

There are really a few approaches:

  1. Change QualityMap to something like OutcomeEvaluator, this will both map quality to collectability tier/scrips/hq% etc, and will check if a recipe meets its criteria for success or failure (essentially treating the outcome as an extension of HQ/NQ etc)
  2. Just make every recipe check for minimum quality, and set the default to None or 0. Also entails adding an AlwaysNQ quality map

At first I favored 2, but 1 may clean up some of the messier outcome code we have now. I recommend exploring the ramifications of 1, and if they end up not being a good fit dropping the idea and going with 2.