Zpcolburn / Heavy-Track

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MVP - Equipment Details - Read/ Delete #10

Closed Zpcolburn closed 1 month ago

Zpcolburn commented 1 month ago

User Story

As the user when I select the "View" button on a single card, I should be navigated to a view page specifically for that piece of equipment. This page will have everything from the card on the previous page but there will be more information on the single card shown on this page.

The image on this page of the job site will be on the left.
The job site name will be on the right with the following information under it

Acceptance Criteria

Wireframe of view on equipment. image

On this page, there will also be an edit and delete button on this page.


9 You need to be able to read all cards for equipment for view to be able to work

All API calls need to be done and tested.

Dev Notes

The Foreman notes need in the form of a input make sure you limit the characters able to use to about 150. Don't need a essay being written inside of the input. Think about making it a small form with edit and delete on it.