Zren / breeze-alphablack

Breeze Light theme with minor improvements and a black panel/titlebar.
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HOW TO disable highlight color on kmenu and system tray #15

Closed manuelLandreau closed 5 years ago

manuelLandreau commented 5 years ago

Hi! Best KDE theme so I'm frustrated to not be able to disable highlight color on kmenu and system tray, I think it doesn't fit with the panel, but keeping highlight color on the task manager of course (skuse my english).

Which variable can i use to disable it or hide it ? I barely understand Qt :(

PS kmenu icon are never the same size of the app launcher icons on any theme.. strange..

Zren commented 5 years ago

The widgets/tabbar.svg is what is used to draw the line avoe the menu, system tray, and any opened widgets.

Normally when you delete an svg in the plasma desktop theme, it would inherit the default theme's svg (/usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/default/), however the code that draws tabbar.svg is a special case and will only draw it if it's part of the current theme.

More info on plasma themes at: https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma5/ThemeDetails