Zren / breeze-alphablack

Breeze Light theme with minor improvements and a black panel/titlebar.
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Widget not working on 5.18 #18

Closed twifty closed 4 years ago

twifty commented 4 years ago

Been using this theme for over 2 years, but when I went to use the widget today it destroyed my systems appearance.

None of the buttons/sliders/picker works in the widget. All initial values seem to be set to a default (3 colors are #000, 3 sliders at 90%). Changing values and clicking "Apply Colors" will apply only colors but not opacity... Reset colors/defaults have no effect.

Additionaly, the readme says running python3 desktoptheme.py will list commands, however nothing is output. Any command using desktoptheme.py just doesn't work. I've managed to somewhat restore my system using the set*.py set of scripts, which do work.

Operating System: Manjaro Linux KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.4 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.0 Qt Version: 5.14.2 Kernel Version: 5.4.31-1-MANJARO

I'm using the current versions available on the KDE store. I don't mind cloning the source and installing that. How do you recommend using the source? I guess I can link the package into ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme but what about the widget?

Zren commented 4 years ago

I'm using Manjaro too.

$ kreadconfig5 --file="$HOME/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/metadata.desktop" --group="Desktop Entry" --key="X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version"

$ kreadconfig5 --file="$HOME/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.alphablackcontrol/metadata.desktop" --group="Desktop Entry" --key="X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version"
$ python3 ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/desktoptheme.py getall
dialog.opacity: 0.9
dialog.padding: 2
panel.opacity: 0.9
panel.padding: 2
panel.taskStyle: inside
theme.accentColor: 32,33,36
theme.highlightColor: 22,160,133
theme.textColor: 239,240,241
widget.opacity: 0.7

$ python3 ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/desktoptheme.py set theme.highlightColor 255,0,0
BackgroundNormal: 32,33,36
BackgroundAlternate: 55,56,59
Complementary.BackgroundNormal: 49,50,53
DecorationFocus: 224,0,25
DecorationHover: 255,0,0
Selection.BackgroundNormal: 255,0,0
Selection.BackgroundAlternate: 242,0,0
Zren commented 4 years ago

Make sure you've updated the breeze-alphablack Plasma/Desktop Theme. It sounds like you've only updated the AlphaBlack Control widget. The latest version of the widget only uses desktoptheme.py, while the old version used set___.py for each command.

twifty commented 4 years ago

@Zren I made sure to update both the theme and the widget when I saw there was a problem. That reminds me, please include a .version file or something similar in each.

I used the set__.py scripts myself to fix the styling issues. I know the theme itself is working, it's just the widget that appears to not be communicating properly.

Looks my theme is at version 15, yours is 16. I downloaded it only yesterday.

This doesn't output anything:

python3 ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-alphablack/desktoptheme.py getall
Zren commented 4 years ago

please include a .version file

That's what the metadata.desktop file is... I just commented with commands to read just the version, but you could also just cat those files...

https://store.kde.org/p/1084931/ has breeze-alphablack-v16.zip uploaded 2020-03-16.

twifty commented 4 years ago

Fixed it. For some reason installing via "Add Widget" yesterday installed version 15. I just downloaded the zip from store.kde.org and overwrote existing. desktoptheme.py now appears to work. However, the widget is still not working correctly. Let me try to investigate a little more.

Zren commented 4 years ago

Reload plasma. The widget runs "getall" at the beginning to read all the properties, and it likely errored as you had v15 installed when it loaded.

twifty commented 4 years ago

That worked. Perhaps you could add a version checker to the widget. Had I know the two parts were out of sync, version wise, I could have fixed it sooner. :-)