Zren / material-decoration

Material-ish window decoration theme for KWin, with LIM, based on zzag's original design.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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uniform titlebar with toolbar in kvantum #17

Closed mojtaba82 closed 3 years ago

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

Hi. Excuse me for my bad English I want to opacity and blurness of titlebar and kvantum toolbar be same. what do I must to do? when i dont use transparency every thing is good but when use transparency and use same value of transparency in kvantum and material titlebar, but titlebar and toolbat not become uniform.

Zren commented 3 years ago

Issue #8 covers titlebar opacity.

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

This is not duplicate of issue 8. When I set opacity of material titlebar to a number for example 0.85 and set opacity of kvantum toolbar to same number, titlebar and toolbar not become uniform while when opacity is 1 for both of them, they become uniform.

Zren commented 3 years ago

How do you know which color Kvantum is drawning? How do you know which opacity the color is drawn?

Edit: Also, the shadows are drawn underneath the titlebar, which might make it darker.

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

How did you set the kvantum opacity?

I change opacity of toolbar in svg file of theme used by kvantum to become same as value of opacity is set in material decoration. color of both toolbar and title bar is same and when opacity is 1 exists no problem. Maybe problem be fault of kvantum

Zren commented 3 years ago

Have you tried configuring material-decoration's Shadow Size to None? Can you upload a screenshot (use spectacle) of with opacity at 0.8 and another screenshot of opacity at 0.7?

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

Have you tried configuring material-decoration's Shadow Size to None?

Yes. I have.

Can you upload a screenshot (use spectacle) of with opacity at 0.8 and another screenshot of opacity at 0.7?

Sure. opacity at 0.7 opacity at 0.7

opacity at 0.8 opacity at 0.8

Zren commented 3 years ago

What opacity is KVantum in those screenshots?

Zren commented 3 years ago

Also have you tried toggling the background contrast desktop effect?

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

What opacity is KVantum in those screenshots?

Opened window in above screenshot not have toolbar. I upload screenshot from a window that have toolbar.

kvantum fluent theme with toolbar color black and 70 alpha. You can see screenshot of svg of fluent in inkscape. image

I set opacity of material decoraion to 0.7. but toolbar and titlebar not became uniform. You can see in below screenshot image

Also have you tried toggling the background contrast desktop effect?

Toggling background contrast didn't help. I honestly appreciate you for your attention.

Zren commented 3 years ago

Oh the toolbar. Isn't he toolbar svg drawn on top of the window's background?

If the material-decoration is 0.8 opacity, then it would be 255 * 0.8 = 204 = 0xCC or #000000cc. I see you have 255 * 0.7 ~= 178 = 0xB2. So if you want it to match material's 0.7 opacity, then you need the window background svg + toolbar svg to equal B2.

What's the windowOpacity color? #000000??

windowOpacity = ?
toolbarOpacity = ?
materialOpacity = 178
toolbarOpacity = materialOpacity - windowOpacity
Zren commented 3 years ago

Ah noticed it's Fluent-Dark.svg, so I download it from here:

window-normal is #212121aa, uhg it's not pure black. Complicates things. For now I'll focus on the opacity though.

Hexidecimal aa is 170 in decimal. So if materialOpacity is 178, the toolbar opacity needs to be 178 - 170 = 8 or #00000008.

... Now that I think of it, why am I trying to fix the toolbar svg. We might as well fix the material decoration opacity + color.

We need material-decoration to draw whatever color #000000b2 + #212121aa is.

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

I wrongly thought that color of toolbar in kvantum is independent from window color. I found out that it is impossible to find color and opacity that toolbar and titlebar become uniform because color of toolbar is depend on color of window and since window is semi transparent, color of window is depend on color of behind window and color of behind window is out of our control. I did math computing and find out that it is impossible. only way to uniform toolbar and titlebar is that we use same color in both toolbar and titlebar and dont use transparency in them. It will become possible that toolbar and titlebar be semi transparent and uniform only if kvantum draw toolbar independ of window. I very very thank you for your attention.

Luwx commented 3 years ago

@mojtaba82 Yeah, the only sane way of doing this is having two colors for the decoration, and draw one on top of the other.

mojtaba82 commented 3 years ago

the only sane way of doing this is having two colors for the decoration, and draw one on top of the other.
