Zren / material-decoration

Material-ish window decoration theme for KWin, with LIM, based on zzag's original design.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Window does not get focus back when clicking on app menu buttons #3

Closed ivnvitx closed 3 years ago

ivnvitx commented 4 years ago

If there is another app on focus, clicking on other app's menu buttons will open the menus but not give focus to the window.

Zren commented 4 years ago

This bug also affect the default AppIcon (and I assume the default AppMenu) dropdown buttons.

Zren commented 4 years ago

The issue with Issue #3 @trmdi (raise window on appmenu click) is that there isn't a good example. KDecoration doesn't support it, as it assumes KWin will handle it.

Open two windows 50% wide. Focus on one window, then click the maximize of the inactive window. It will maximize the window, but not focus it. It's a KDecoration bug. Well kinda. You don't want it to focus the window when minimize or close is pressed.

I could try finding a X11 only solution similar to other x11 events, or use KWindowSystem.

trmdi commented 4 years ago

I've just found that if I add event->setAccepted(false) here [1], it will work.

[1] https://github.com/Zren/material-decoration/blob/0de8dfd4a09507b48163585dd38ebfabc9ba4531/src/Decoration.cc#L178

We also no longer need Decoration::sendMoveEvent(const QPoint pos).

Zren commented 3 years ago

We can send setAccepted(false) on LeftButton. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to detect when the titlebar starts the drag, so we can't run unPressAllButtons() to fix the sticky button underneath the drag. A sticky button causes the (possibly) wrong menu to open on next click, as the KDecoration::Decoration::mouseReleaseEvent looks for "pressed" buttons instead of doing another cursor is inside the button hitbox check...

So we're stuck with manually sending a move event to X11 till I figure out a way around that.

Thanks for the the tip though, as this was useful for not accepting the wheel, middle and right click events in: https://github.com/Zren/material-decoration/commit/b6c5cdd7b02f3f44af2b7452ccb90b17c3ed35a6

Zren commented 3 years ago

Note to self, the default behavior starts the drag after holding for a short timer. It does not trigger after dragging a few pixels.


trmdi commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to detect when the titlebar starts the drag, so we can't run unPressAllButtons() to fix the sticky button underneath the drag. A sticky button causes the (possibly) wrong menu to open on next click

I don't understand this, what sticky button? And I don't see any wrong menu is opened on the next click. Could you post a video about this?

Ah, I got it. It happens when unPressAllButtons() is not called. But can we just add setAccepted(false), while still keeping that one? Could you test this patch?

diff --git a/src/Decoration.cc b/src/Decoration.cc
index d845ece..5e39547 100644
--- a/src/Decoration.cc
+++ b/src/Decoration.cc
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ void Decoration::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)

     if (m_menuButtons->geometry().contains(event->pos())) {
+        event->setAccepted(false);
Zren commented 3 years ago

Ah, we have to keep initDragMove(event->pos()). If you remove that function it looks like this:


However if you keep our initDragMove function, it will call unPressAllButtons() and trigger upon dragging ~4 pixels. Since we setAccepted(false) on press however, it starts the KWin drag timer, so if you click + hold without moving the cursor, it'll initiate a drag by KWin itself. There's also a bug where the drag position starts at the window's (0,0) coordinate. Luckily though, the menu buttons are not stuck in a "sticky" state, probably due to the mouse being forcefully moved?


trmdi commented 3 years ago

Can we just remove sendMoveEvent() ?

Zren commented 3 years ago

Huh, we could... We still need initDragMove() and dragMoveTick() to track the distance dragged to call unPressAllButtons() after a move has started.

On a click and hold, the force move cursor to (0,0) bug doesn't appear. For some reason QHoverEvent::pos() is (0,0) which causes the delta position to be negative m_pressedPoint that we stored during initDragMove().

kdecoration.material:     diff QPoint(0,0) mL 0 sDD 10
kdecoration.material:     diff QPoint(-256,-11) mL 267 sDD 10
kdecoration.material: AppMenuButtonGroup::unPressAllButtons

It... works, but for an unknown reason.

Edit: I bet the force move to (0,0) bug is because first the drag timer starts a move, then dragMoveTick detects a move and calls sendMoveEvent with it thinking the start of the drag is at (0,0). Still no idea why QHoverEvent::pos() is (0,0).

trmdi commented 3 years ago

I meant just removing sendMoveEvent, still keep initDragMove and dragMoveTick. I guess there is something wrong in sendMoveEvent, but we don't need it (didn't look into it carefully, just a guess).

Zren commented 3 years ago

Read my edit:

Edit: I bet the force move to (0,0) bug is because first the drag timer starts a move, then dragMoveTick detects a move and calls sendMoveEvent with it thinking the start of the drag is at (0,0). Still no idea why QHoverEvent::pos() is (0,0).

If we remove sendMoveEvent, in theory, there will be an edge case when:

The code would not detect a drag, as it's within the drag threshold.

When I first tested, I forgot that there's a smallSpacing between m_leftButtons and m_menuButtons even if m_leftButtons is empty. Upon fixing that bug so that menuButtons follow fitt's law, I was able to test click (0,0) and holding, and the button did stick. This affects a tiny number of users though, as they'd need to remove all leftButtons. It would also only stick on the first button.