Zren / material-decoration

Material-ish window decoration theme for KWin, with LIM, based on zzag's original design.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Port to breeze style? #30

Open ripefig opened 3 years ago

ripefig commented 3 years ago

The current decoration looks out of place on plasma and results in different window borders between qt and gtk csd.

Wouldn't it make more sense to port it to the breeze style, or is that style too complex?

Zren commented 3 years ago

Gtk apps have headerbars so they won't be exactly the same, but it looks close enough for me. Recent versions of Plasma will paint the material close buttons as svgs for the GTK theme.


If you really want the breeze icon style just edit the icons drawn in Material to use the logic from Breeze:

Or fork SierraBreeze or SierraBreezeEnhanced and add the AppMenu+TextButton code to it (eg: call it BreezeLIM).

CavaleriOmar commented 3 years ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but how do you patch it? I would like to keep the style of Breeze, but I don't know how to make the modification for the LIM