Zren / plasma-applet-commandoutput

GNU General Public License v2.0
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We need the ability to copy text (with a checkbox in the widget settings that enables/disables this feature) #46

Open DAVIDhaker opened 7 months ago

davidosomething commented 7 months ago

fwiw, you can pipe command output in click, e.g.

for my custom tailscale widget, i have the click action set to

ip=$(tailscale ip --4 2>/dev/null) && echo "$ip" | xsel --clipboard && notify-send "Copied ${ip}"

which copy my tailscale ip to the clipboard using xsel, and send a desktop notification using notify-send

DAVIDhaker commented 7 months ago

@davidosomething, yes. Good idea, but how to be, when i need to copy random parts/string from text?

davidosomething commented 7 months ago

grep to match the pattern and pipe the grep results, you can find grep commands for matching urls on stackoverflow for instance

guss77 commented 4 months ago

Suggested implementation in PR #48