Zren / plasma-applet-todolist

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Issues from the old repo #1

Open Zren opened 6 years ago

Zren commented 6 years ago
kikadf commented 5 years ago

This lives yet: No icon display I use breeze theme with oxygen icons.

Zren commented 5 years ago

The oxygen icon set does not have a "view-list" icon, nor a "view-list-symbolic" icon. Nor does it depend on the Breeze icon set. It hasn't been updated in 3 years.


Either edit my widget's code to use a valid icon, or modfiy the Oxygen icon theme to inherit Breeze.

To modify my widget, go to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.todolist/contents/ui/ and open main.qml. Inside the file, you'll see an IconItem inside the Plasmoid.compactRepresentation on line 48. Change the icon's source: "view-list-symbolic" to source: "format-list-unordered" which is a valid icon in the Oxygen icon set.

If you wish to edit the Oxygen icon set, edit /usr/share/icons/oxygen/index.theme to inherit=breeze,hicolor on this line like the Papyrus icon theme does.

And no, I will not change the icon to "format-list-unordered" since it looks bad in Breeze (the default appearance most users will see), and it's not in Adwaita which means it will not be in any Gtk icon theme.


I don't see a way to easily hardcode that icon name for the oxygen theme since the current icon theme name doesn't appear to be exposed anywhere for QML code to read.

kikadf commented 5 years ago

Ok, thanks a lot. I understand the problem.

anoopv511 commented 5 years ago

Is the undo feature required?

digitalethics commented 4 years ago

@Zren What is the plan moving forward with issues from the old repo? Would you prefer some of these to be raised again here to start out fresh or to comment on the old issues?