Open Zren opened 8 years ago
@Zren I've been looking through the code the last couple days, because i'd like to tackle this enhancement request. I've been getting pretty confused on way the qml files are all linked together.
Example below on what I want to achieve. The idea being that the current viewed week would always be the top line, and then a separate week line for each subsequent week. I've tried calling back from AgendaModel.buildAgendaItem(), and adding a week property in there, getting the week number from MonthView.calendarBackend. But I can't seem to follow how to access the properties from within AgendaModel.
Obviously i'm very new at this QML/Qt stuff so some pointers would be helpful. Thanks mate.
Mock up:
While testing QQC2.ScrollView
with ListView
, I remembered the ListView has section headers. Appearently it can also stay fixed to the top too. It's drawn on top though. We'd need to find a way to mask the items underneath.
I used to use ListView
, however it had really bad scrolling lag. Here's how to enable it though:
And here's a quick QML mockup:
// test.qml
// Run: qmlscene test.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 as QQC1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 as QQC2
Window {
width: 600
height: 800
ListModel {
id: listModel
Timer {
repeat: true
running: true
interval: 100
onTriggered: {
var t =
var d = Math.floor(t / 1000)
listModel.insert(0, {
t: t,
d: d,
t: t,
d: d,
QQC2.ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
QQC2.ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: QQC2.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
ListView {
id: listView
model: listModel 'd'
section.labelPositioning: ViewSection.InlineLabels | ViewSection.CurrentLabelAtStart
section.delegate: QQC2.Button {
required property string section
text: section
delegate: QQC2.Label {
text: model.t
Android Google Calendar has an option to toggle "Week 36, " but will always show the following in the agenda view:
So 5 different translation messages. It's difficult to translate though as we have 2 dates in a single format. Dec 20 - 26
needs to be
20 - 26 Dec
It's probably easy to do:
MMM d - MMM d
MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy
MMM d - MMM d, yyyy
I got something similar going at the moment - just need to figure out the best way to center the line going across.
Ok, I've got it showing a label at the top of the scrollview, as well as inline with the other weeks. I added model.week to the AgendaModel, and just need a good way of calculating the week number when it adds the agenda item.
If I could read the week number from the Calendar, that would be ideal as it would ensure it matches up with what the user is seeing when they enable the Week View on the calendar.
Unfortunately it's not that easy.
type to a QDate
So we'll need to implement the weekNumber function.
int QDate::weekNumber(int *yearNumber) const
if (!isValid())
return 0;
// This could be replaced by use of QIso8601Calendar, once we implement it.
// The Thursday of the same week determines our answer:
QDate thursday(addDays(4 - dayOfWeek()));
int year = thursday.year();
// Week n's Thurs's DOY has 1 <= DOY - 7*(n-1) < 8, so 0 <= DOY + 6 - 7*n < 7:
int week = (thursday.dayOfYear() + 6) / 7;
if (yearNumber)
*yearNumber = year;
return week;
int QDate::dayOfYear() const
if (isValid()) {
qint64 first;
if (QGregorianCalendar::julianFromParts(year(), 1, 1, &first))
return jd - first + 1;
return 0;
bool QGregorianCalendar::julianFromParts(int year, int month, int day, qint64 *jd)
if (!validParts(year, month, day))
return false;
if (year < 0)
* Math from The Calendar FAQ at
* This formula is correct for all julian days, when using mathematical integer
* division (round to negative infinity), not c++11 integer division (round to zero)
int a = month < 3 ? 1 : 0;
qint64 y = qint64(year) + 4800 - a;
int m = month + 12 * a - 3;
*jd = day + qDiv(153 * m + 2, 5) - 32045
+ 365 * y + qDiv(y, 4) - qDiv(y, 100) + qDiv(y, 400);
return true;
Also, a centered week separator can be done with:
section.delegate: RowLayout {
required property string section
width: agendaScrollView.width
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitWidth: 1 * units.devicePixelRatio
implicitHeight: 1 * units.devicePixelRatio
color: theme.textColor
PlasmaComponents3.Label {
text: section
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitWidth: 1 * units.devicePixelRatio
implicitHeight: 1 * units.devicePixelRatio
color: theme.textColor
Yea I saw that WeekNumber was a thing, believe I tried using it at some point but it was different to what the Calendar would show. I'll take a closer look at it.
I hadnt quiet figured out how to have centred text, so thanks for that. :)
Minor bug in the logic as I'm getting week 53, but it kinda works:
Or maybe not as that's what google and DigitalClock shows:
I've been having a think about this - and we should probably use some C++ and use QDate rather than trying to write our own logic.
You can't add any C++ qml plugins otherwise it can't be downloaded from the KDE Store.
Really? Wouldn't it just be importing a library like any other? There is python there - maybe there would be a better suited way to do it through python instead.
In order to calculate it through python, we'd need to execute 31 + 14
python processes unless we batched the entire thing at in one call. In any case, it's far less efficient and way more complicated that porting the logic ourselves.
The getDayOfWeek()
in the new DateFuncs.js
works to get the week number. Looks like I named the function incorrectly. I was put off by there being 53 weeks in a year, but it makes sense once you remember every year doesn't start on Jan 1st.
Edit: For reference, here's the Python weeknumber calculation:
Ah ok. In any case, ill leave this one alone then and let you do it. I'll look at something else to fix :)