Closed AndydeCleyre closed 7 years ago
Hmmm, I ran into this recently. It seems that after awhile, there's only 1 source.
onNewData: console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, "\t"))
"objectName": "",
"@multiplex": {
"CanControl": true,
"CanGoNext": true,
"CanGoPrevious": true,
"CanQuit": true,
"CanRaise": true,
"CanSeek": true,
"Desktop Icon Name": "clementine",
"DesktopEntry": "clementine",
"Fullscreen": false,
"Identity": "Clementine",
"InstancePid": 4507,
"LoopStatus": "Playlist",
"MaximumRate": 1,
"Metadata": {
"bitrate": 130,
"mpris:artUrl": file:///tmp/clementine-art-bm4507.jpg,
"mpris:length": 6860000000,
"mpris:trackid": "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/Track/0",
"xesam:contentCreated": "2017-03-02T11:06:10",
"xesam:title": "'The Journey' (2 Hour Drum & Bass Mix)",
"xesam:url": file:///home/chris/Music/Youtube/'The Journey' (2 Hour Drum & Bass Mix)-R8MWKsheHxk.mp3
"MinimumRate": 1,
"PlaybackStatus": "Playing",
"Position": 231765354,
"Position last updated (UTC)": "2017-03-14T15:32:14.819Z",
"Rate": 1,
"Shuffle": false,
"Source Name": "clementine",
"SupportedMimeTypes": {
"0": "application/ogg",
"1": "application/x-ogg",
"2": "application/x-ogm-audio",
"3": "audio/aac",
"4": "audio/mp4",
"5": "audio/mpeg",
"6": "audio/mpegurl",
"7": "audio/ogg",
"8": "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio",
"9": "audio/vorbis",
"10": "audio/x-flac",
"11": "audio/x-mp3",
"12": "audio/x-mpeg",
"13": "audio/x-mpegurl",
"14": "audio/x-ms-wma",
"15": "audio/x-musepack",
"16": "audio/x-oggflac",
"17": "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
"18": "audio/x-scpls",
"19": "audio/x-speex",
"20": "audio/x-vorbis",
"21": "audio/x-vorbis+ogg",
"22": "audio/x-wav",
"23": "video/x-ms-asf",
"24": "x-content/audio-player"
"SupportedUriSchemes": {
"0": "file",
"1": "http",
"2": "cdda",
"3": "smb",
"4": "sftp"
"Volume": 1
Which means
property bool hasPlayer: mpris2Source.sources.length >= 2 // We don't count @mutiplexSource
property int position: hasPlayer ?[mpris2Source.current].Position : 0
property bool canSeekMpris: hasPlayer &&[mpris2Source.current].CanSeek
property bool canSeek: canSeekMpris && track && currentMetadata && currentMetadata["mpris:length"]
will be false, and 0, and unable to seek.
further logging gave me this:
qml: hasPlayer true
qml: currentMetadata [object Object]
qml: position 1108771687
qml: length -2147483648
qml: canSeek true canSeekMpris true
Which means there's an overflow on "mpris:length": 6860000000
, somehow... 2^(32-1) = 2147483648
which would make it the signed minimum I think.
looks at datatype... well duh.
The possible int values range from around -2000000000 to around 2000000000, although most types will only accept a reduced range (which they mention in their documentation).
Changing both types to double seems to work for that one 2h long song.
It's interesting to note that postion and length are both ints in the default widget.
Testing with Spotify.