Zren / plasma-applets

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[eventcalendar] Event Notifications #46

Open vmorenomarin opened 7 years ago

vmorenomarin commented 7 years ago

I think that could be awesome a notification displaying the events of the day after the Plasma session has begun. Or this notification could call the atttention about events present for the day in the calender.

Thansk by your attention.

Zren commented 7 years ago

Been pondering how to do this.

Right now I've got it fetching the events every minute (which is bad). I need to think of a good way to balance keeping the list of upcoming events up to date without burning through the api quota. I think I'll settle for only populating when it's first loaded and whenever you view the events from the current month in the agenda/calendar.

Here's a few mockups.

The event data has an event.reminders property which I'd probably need to parse (uhg). It seems to support notifications 4 weeks beforehand (bleh).

First version might just show the "at a glance" notification on login and individual notifications when the event starts.

vmorenomarin commented 7 years ago

Wow, looks great, better than I could wait!!! 👍

vmorenomarin commented 7 years ago

The notifications are not working for me. Any suggestion? Thanks

Zren commented 7 years ago

As in they don't work at all, or they stop working after a certain amount of time?

vmorenomarin commented 7 years ago

The notifications don't work at all. I wait that appear a notification when the widget starts to work i.e., when the session begins, but nothing, no notifications.

Zren commented 7 years ago

Ah, I haven't finished/enabled the "list of upcoming events" when you login, only the notifications when an event is starting.

thecountoftuscany commented 7 years ago

There could be a badge (on the clock perhaps?) that shows the number of events for today along with these. Although, the notifications are not working for me too.