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system timeout fixme #10

Open 1sra3l opened 3 years ago

1sra3l commented 3 years ago

Hi I saw interval: 1000 // FIXME TODO: Use platform value for tooltip activation delay.

And found this: int KToolTipWidget::hideDelay ( ) const the default is apparently 500 (or 5000 see below)

Though looking at Plasma Frameworks Tooltip I see timeout: 5000 is the default for Plasma Tooltips.

I have not used QML in years, though I can still read it, and I have never used KDE's C++ frameworks, so I cannot give any actual PR. I do hope that info helps you get the effect you want

I already posted this in a down-stream project Just reading some APIs and thought some of it might help fix your fixme

Zren commented 3 years ago

AnimatedHue is still using QtQuick.Controls 1.0. I've only updated InactiveBlur to use QtQuick.Controls 2.0, and I still need to migrate AnimatedHue.

You'll notice that InactiveBlur's updated code is based on plasma-workspace's new code.

1sra3l commented 3 years ago

Nice! So this just needs to be updated to the newer version, like in InactiveBlur. The bug was fixed upstream from everyone. Most issues I've had with a KDE app/feature are already fixed upstream :smile: I haven't really messed with QML in years, and currently have some private projects I am working on in Rust, so I sadly cannot volunteer to help with this bug.