Zren / plasma-wallpapers

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Inactive Blur - Yakuake No Blur #7

Open FlyingWaffleDev opened 4 years ago

FlyingWaffleDev commented 4 years ago

When using the Inactive Blur wallpaper plugin it does not activate when the Yakuake drop-down terminal is activated. If any other window had triggered the blur, activating Yakuake cancels it even though I would expect Yakuake to be the new "active" window and keep the blur. Same behavior on both my desktop and laptop (both running v5 on Gentoo).

Zren commented 4 years ago

Yakuake is filtered from the taskbar. I use the same QML model that the panel taskmanager widget uses, so it won't treat Yakuake, or panel widget popups, as "windows".

FlyingWaffleDev commented 4 years ago

I'm unfamiliar with the internal workings of Qt/KDE; is it possible to per-app exceptions for widgets like Yakuake?

Also, Yakuake does intermittently register as a "window"; I can't replicate this consistently, but when it happens the inactive blur effect triggers and a Yakuake icon is added to my panel of running windows.

Zren commented 4 years ago

I'm re-using the taskmanager widget's "window list" as I'm too lazy to write a C++ plugin to solve this issue. This plugin wouldn't be able to distribute on the KDE Store if it required a C++ plugin anyways.

Note to self: Here's the hardcoded (because it's not exposed as a TaskModel property) bool that needs to be flipped.

I'm more likely to rewrite this WallpaperPlugin as a KWin Effect (to also blur the desktop widgets) if C++ is necessary. Both are unlikely to be written by me in the near future.