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Have each applet it's own process/thread? #11

Open bam80 opened 3 years ago

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm going to introduce blocking methods for property readers in QML C++ plugin here: https://lxr.kde.org/source/kde/workspace/plasma-workspace/components/keyboardlayout/keyboardlayout.cpp For purpose of the applet using it, I think it should be fine. But I'm concerned about other applets in systray containment, and also systray itself. Won't it block them?

Zren commented 3 years ago

It's probably better to ask on GitLab.


In general, I assume the proper way would be to init with a default value, then fetch the data async then populate the property. Though I've no idea what data you need to block for.

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll ask there or just provide draft MR. Here I just tried to understand if applets always have own threads, in general.