Zrips / BottledExp

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Infinite EXP Bug #26

Closed zlAquiles closed 1 year ago

zlAquiles commented 2 years ago

By using /bottle store max, when you put the exp bottle in your left hand and throw the bottle, when you grab the exp it gives you a percentage more, by doing this many times you can increase your exp very quickly, that doesn't happen if you you do with the main hand

Version: image imagen_2022-04-09_033218


  # Shows if there is available new version on login with bottledexp.versioncheck permission node
  ShowNewVersion: true
  # Language file you want to use
  Language: ES
  # How much player will spend converting his xp to bottles. This cant be lower than xpEarn
  xpCost: 10
  # How much player will get xp from xp bottle
  xpEarn: 10
  # Do you want to use custom items when converting xp to xp bottles
  useItems: false
  # Material name for custom item, by default its empty glass bottle
  consumedItemMaterial: GLASS_BOTTLE
  # How many to consume when converting. This is for every bottle you will get
  amountConsumed: 1
  # Do you want to charge money for xp conversion
  useMoney: false
  # How much it will gonna cost
  moneyCost: 100
  # Do you want to show extra information for how much its gonna cost to level up
  useBottleMoney: false
  # How much one xp bottle costs
  bottleCost: 3.25
  # Do you want to show exp consumed on enchant
  ShowEnchantExp: true
  # Do you want to show all enchantments player gets after enchanting item
  ShowEnchant: false
  # Do you want to use new 1.8 enchant system
  UseThreeButtonEnchant: true
    # How much exp will be lost during transfer in percentage
    LostDurringTransfer: 0
    Use: false
    # Do you want to use right click, if false then left will be used, good for block with interactions like enchant table
    UseRightClick: false
    # Material of block will be used to convert xp to bottles
    BlockMaterial: ENCHANTING_TABLE
    # Material of item in hand when you want to convert xp by clicking block
    HandItemMaterial: GLASS_BOTTLE
    # How many bottles to give everytime
    GiveEveryTime: 1
    # How many times to multiply given bottles by clicking shift
    Multiplayer: 10
    Use: false
    # Do you want to use right click, if false then left will be used, good for block with interactions like enchant table
    UseRightClick: false
    # Material of item in hand when you want to convert xp by clicking block
    HandItemMaterial: GLASS_BOTTLE
    # How many bottles to give everytime
    GiveEveryTime: 1
    # How many times to multiply given bottles by clicking shift
    Multiplayer: 10
    # When this set to true there will be option to craft special expbottle by placing empty glass bottle into crafting
    # You can consume it by right clicking it
    Use: false
  # When this set to true, all trades with villgers involving exp will be disabled
  DisableVillagerExpTrade: false
  # When this set to true,destrying mob spawners wont drop exp
  DisableMobSpawnerExp: false
Zrips commented 2 years ago

Exp drop from action like this should not give you more than you have recorded amount in your item. Its not adding any extra exp but simply sets dropped exp amount to specific amount. This could be caused by another plugin dropping extra exp when exp bottle brakes. Is it possible for you to test this with BottledExp plugin only to make sure that its not caused by another plugin? As of testing I cant reproduce this issue and by the code it should not have any difference how you dropped that bottle with stored exp, left or right arm

HamtaBot commented 1 year ago

Exp drop from action like this should not give you more than you have recorded amount in your item. Its not adding any extra exp but simply sets dropped exp amount to specific amount. This could be caused by another plugin dropping extra exp when exp bottle brakes. Is it possible for you to test this with BottledExp plugin only to make sure that its not caused by another plugin? As of testing I cant reproduce this issue and by the code it should not have any difference how you dropped that bottle with stored exp, left or right arm

Here is how to reproduce the issue , you also need to have an item in your main hand like here I have a mending sword


HamtaBot commented 1 year ago

This video has been made on a server with only cmi , jobs reborn tab luckperms and Aurelium skills

Zrips commented 1 year ago

Will be fixed with next update