Closed Someone-NEW closed 5 years ago
Stuff like this should be done from SurvivalGameX side. You will need to use titlemanager if you want it to work properly. CMI titles are not related to this.
Thats realy sadly... Previously, it worked smoothly, and the last few versions did not. I thought you could do something. Developer from SG is inactive over 19w ago, and this is the second time, so I can not expect any support. I just hoped you could do more about Titles, I obviously made a mistake, so there are limits for you too. :(
Hello @Zrips I found that i have an ERROR in console with using last few updates, before i have no problem with cmi and i see this in last few days before this error has no exist, While im using CMI titles i delete plugin TitleManager which is needed for SurvivalGames X Like i say without TitleManager before work but now not anymore. Dou you change something there? If so can you please make or fix it so that can be compatible with SurvivalGames X plugin? So that titles can be used? This will help me a looot i realy dont need 1 more plugin for the same feature like CMI have.
ERROR (DELETE IF YOU HAVE NO ERROR): ####################